Chapter - 5

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One week later, Night time
Jungkook enters inside their mansion after a whole week of working endlessly just to see their country's president sitting there along with Taehyung. He freezes on his place seeing the president himself infront of his eyes.

Taehyung smiles widely seeing his bunny after one whole week. He immediately stood up and said excitedly, "You are finally home. Welcome back bunny. I missed you."
Jungkook came out of his shocked state and says while smiling widely, "I missed you too Hyungie."
Taehyung giggles softly and immediately hugs Jungkook tightly.

Namjoon looks at the scene with wide eyes. He has never seen his brother smiling after that cursed day. Taehyung completely turned into a cold and heartless person after that incident. He smiles softly seeing his baby brother behaving like his previous self after so many years.
He clears his throat to gain the couple's attention who are busy in their own world.

Taehyung looks at his brother sharply for disturbing their moment like this while Namjoon raises his eyebrows totally amused by his brother's behaviour. Jungkook looks at both brothers awkwardly not understanding what he should do.

Namjoon says to Jungkook while ignoring his brother's burning gaze, "Hello Jungkook-shi! Myself Namjoon, Taehyung's elder brother."
Jungkook bows politely and says with full respect, "H-Hello M-Mr. President!" He thinks, 'Oh my God! The president himself is standing in front of me. Why this is so awkward? What am I supposed to say after this? Please Jungkook, don't embarrass yourself in front of him.'

Taehyung frowns seeing his husband respecting his brother so much while this bunny always teases him. How can his husband be this partial? This is unfair. He huffs and rolls his eyes while looking at his brother.

Namjoon says, "No need to be this much formal Jungkook-shi. You can just call me Hyung afterall you are my brother-in-law."
Jungkook says, "Then you also don't have to be formal. Just call me by my name."
Namjoon smiles showing his dimples and says, "Sure Jungkook."
Jungkook whispers to Taehyung, "Hyungie your brother is really handsome. His smile is really cute."

Taehyung looks at him blankly. He wants to smack this bunny's head hardly and wants to throw his brother out of his house. He says coldly, "Go and get freshened up. We need to have our dinner also."
Jungkook whines and says, "I will freshen up later. Let me spend some time with Namjoon Hyung."
Taehyung says, "Go right now."
Jungkook huffs and leaves from there while mumbling, "Grumpy rude tiger."

Taehyung then looks at his brother darkly who smiles nervously not even knowing what is his fault.
Namjoon asks, "W-What happened Taehyung-ah?"
Taehyung says, "Nothing."
Namjoon just nods his head. There was an awkward silence for some minutes then Namjoon says in a serious voice, "He looks a lot like aunt So-min. I-Is he related to her?" He asks nervously.
Hearing this Taehyung's eyes darken. He looks at his brother with a chilling gaze and says, "Don't ever talk about it again."
Namjoon shivers looking at his brother and says nervously, "I-I...... O-Ok."

There was complete silence in the living room when Jungkook came there. He clears his throat and says, "L-Let's have our dinner."
Taehyung nods and says, "Ok."
Then the three males went to the dining room for their dinner.
Jungkook observes that both brothers are completely silent so he himself starts a conversation and eventually somehow succeeds in involving the other two males.

After dinner Namjoon leaves because he knows his brother is in a bad mood and it's better to not interact with him right now.

Jungkook went to their room after talking with Seokjin just to see Taehyung laying on the bed while back facing him.
Jungkook sighs feeling tired after being busy for the whole week. He just wants to cuddle with Taehyung and sleep peacefully. He went to the bed and back hugs Taehyung who quickly pulls away and says, "Don't touch me."
Jungkook asks, "But why? I want to cuddle."

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 20 ⏰

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