Chapter 9 - Who are you?

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My first language is not English so sorry if there's grammar mistakes or misspellings, you are free to correct me in the comments. Just don't be rude <3

" Speaking Japanese "

< Speaking Malay >

- Speaking English


*+:。.。 。.。:+*

"Who are you...? "

Boboiboy said, as Aizawa, Nezu and Mic frozed in place. Amato looks at his son in sadness. "Boboiboy, don't you remember you-" Present Mic was cut off by Amato who stands up from the crouched position and waved a hand to Present Mic signaling him to not continue.

"Hello Boboiboy... I am Admiral Amato from Tempur-A.. I figured I was the only one here.. I guess not.." Amato says sternly trying to hide the tone of his voice but failed.

"Ahh, so that's why I never saw you in TAPOPS.. I am Cadet Boboiboy from TAPOPS but you probably already knew about that..

But you were right the fact that you're supposed to be the only one here..." Boboiboy said.

"Care to elaborate?" Amato asked for more information, brushing off the fact that his son doesn't remember him.

"Well, I actually got teleported here by a villain. Captain Victo is his name. Do you have information on who he is.." Boboiboy explained. "Hmm, Captain Victo eh..? I think i know who he is..." Amato said while thinking.

"Wait, really!?" Boboiboy half shouted at Amato who nodded. He pulled out his mechanizer and type in something, his expression changed.

Amato then decided to show Boboiboy his screen showing an empty cage. "Boboiboy, this device is my capture weapon. Captain Victo was my capture, before a certain robot. "Accidentally" let him out before i can transfer him to a jail." Amato said as he hit the face on his chest.

"Ohh.. So is that why you're here then?" Boboiboy asked. "No, before I can go look for him again I was sent on a long mission here..

However since this is a mission for me i have a communication device, so you can messaged them your current position and they can get you sooner" Amato explained while holding his mechanizer up again showing a line type of app.

Boboiboy looked in amusement, he thought about it. "That's so cool admiral, however i think i should stay here for a few more months.. I believe that Captain Victo must sent me here for a reason..

So I'll stay.. But, if you can please send a message to tell everyone that I'm okay.." Boboiboy said worry visible on his tone. "Hmmm, what about instead of me texting them, why don't you text them yourself?" As Mechamato said that Boboiboys watch glowed a red glow, Aizawa and the other teachers stare in amusement as the glow soon come to a stop.

As soon as the glow vanished an M symbol shows up and after a few seconds messages starts to appear.

"Wahhh, this is so cool!" Boboiboy said with stars in his eyes as he stare into his watch. A holographic keyboard appear as he starts to make the QR Code. Followed by it was a small note

"Tapops this is Boboiboy, I am safe for now. I already met Admiral Amato from Tempur-A and decided that it's best that i should stay for a few months more because of Captain Victo. I think that he'd sent me here for a reason.. Please tell my friends I am okay.."

As Boboiboy pressed the sent button Amato went to sit on one of the couch again seeming satisfied.. But underneath that satisfaction was a feeling of guilt and shame. How can he leave his son for such a long time..

So long that he doesn't remember who his father is. Amato thought deeply, the other teachers has left to leave them for a moment.

"Thank you, Admiral.. For the assistance" Boboiboy went towards Amato and saluted which got returned by Amato. "I'm sure you already know my reasons on staying here.. Goodbye Admiral." Boboiboy said with a stern voice and starts to leave the room.

"Boboiboy wait.." Amato called out but before he can say anything else Boboiboy left the door.

"Hmm, well how'd it go?" The sudden appearance of Hawks startles the man in armour, twisting his neck almost dangerously. "My god! Hawks. You can't just go around and scare an old man like that" Amato pouts as he adjust his neck again.

"Hehe, you know how I am.." Hawks giggles and punches Amatos back receiving an elbow making him wince. "So? You haven't answered my question. Are you happy with what he's become?" Hawks asked again with a strained smile.

Amato will never understand Hawks. How his calm persona can change drastically in seconds. "You did this Amato. You made your child forget, be proud of yourself" Hawks said no longer smilling. Amato breath a small breath as guilt starts pouring into his chest.

Hawks left after that leaving Amato alone in the room.


'Hmm why does he look so familiar...' Boboiboy thought. He knew he sometimes losses his memories whenever he splits and he's done that a lot of times. He keeps playing with his pen, clicking it over and over again.

"Stop being rude to people you don't know!!" His train of thought stopped when Iida yelled. Turns out Bbb has been daydreaming for an hour and a half.

The class was surrounded by a horde of people and Bakugou seems to stand there asking for a fight or what seems to be a fight.

"I came to see the rumoured class 1-A.. The class that survived a villain attack, saved by a student? I would've thought that you're great but.. You're preety arrogant for a student in the hero course.." A student with tired eyes and a purple hair stated sounding a little annoyed. "Is everyone in the hero course like this?" He continued.

Bakugou snarled at the accusation while the others behind him shakes their head aggressively. "Seeing things like this disillusions me..." He added looking around. "There are many student from other courses and we got the opportunity to change our course at the sports festival." He said. "I am not here to investigate the opponent.. I am here to declare war."

Boboiboy stood up and walked towards the door to see what's the commotion. The purple haired boy noticed Boboiboy and points at him making Bbb freeze. "You.. The student that got transferred in mid semester. You're the one who saved them weren't you?" Shinso points and the whole attention turns to Bbb who is sweating.

"Umm, idk what you're talking about.." Boboiboy grew nervous hands clenching into a fist. "Hm. Nothing.. I guess just wait for tomorrow.." Shinso said glaring at Boboiboy and stepping back.

Bakugou was giving Bbb strange looks as he starts to walk out the classroom not caring about how he pushes through many students.

Izuku on the other hand looks very serious. "Hey Midoriya, would you like to walk home with me?" Izuku was asked by Bbb and nodded.


**✿❀ ❀✿**

Haha, this chapter is kinda rushed so idk how it is.. But i just want to let you know that I don't think I can post alot this month because I'm going on a roadtrip with my family :3

Sorry if it doesn't make many sense, I'm trying my best :'


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