Chapter 6 - Suspicions

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This chapter is long Just wanted to tell you

My first language is not English so sorry if there's grammar mistakes or misspellings, you are free to correct me in the comments. Just don't be rude <3

" Speaking Japanese "

< Speaking Malay >

- Speaking English


If there's some grammar mistakes please correct me thanks!!

Enjoy reading!



My first day at U.A was great.

I met some nice people but also met some not-so-friendly people. Izuku, Uraraka and Iida was very nice. While Todoroki keeps giving me side glances everytime someone mentioned my 'quirk' and I think Izuku is starting to be suspicious of me..

My seat was a window seat, Izuku is behind me and Iida is beside me, while Aoyama is in front of me

Sometimes when we're not talking I could feel his eyes burning the back of my head.

Let's hope that I can keep this up even for just a month..

I doubt it, I'm bad at acting..


The first day with Bbb was going nicely, we talked a lot at recess mostly about quirks he question stuff that is supposed to be obvious and I kept my guard up.

After recess we walked to class together, I saw his watch and pointed it out, he panics and tried to hide it.

Even tho i didn't see much of his watch i did see this some kind of symbol. It was brown and shaped like a mountain, i didn't see any numbers to tell the time so that was suspicious.

When we reached class we sat down at our assigned places and as always, Iida starts to chop his hands through the air asking for everybody to sit down (and scolding a certain blonde about putting his leg on the table)

I tried to not think about ny suspicions on Bbb, maybe it was just a misunderstanding.. Maybe he is just... Who am i kidding?

He's totally keeping secrets.

I didn't realize that i was glaring at Bbb until he turns slightly and gave me a gentle but fierce look.

It's as if he knows that i know, about his little secret.

He turns back and Aizawa sensei walked in.


"Class don't let your guard down first, because we're not finished." Aizawa said, his bandage was gone now. The class was silent the students minds went wild.

'Is it another villain?'

'Is a villain coming to get us?'

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