angst (also fluff)

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before the story starts, just wanna tell you: its long. (and it's angst but turns into fluff)

Jakes POV:
I just woke up. Jonnnie is clinging onto me. He's fast asleep. Margaret is laying next to him. She must've jumped up while we were asleep. I slowly get up while moving Johnnie off of me, trying not to wake him up. Okay good, he didn't wake up. I leave our room and go to the kitchen. Maybe I should make breakfast for when Johnnie gets up. I'm going to make some pancakes.

short jake pov but whatever (also time skip)

Johnnies POV:
I wake up to Margaret snuggled up into my neck. But no Jake. I don't want to wake her up so I just grab my phone. Maybe I should text Jake to see where he's at.

Jake ❤️
Just woke up.
Where you at??
(texting so I don't wake
Margaret up)
Morning :)
I'm in the kitchen.

Okay so he's in the kitchen but what about Margaret. You know what, it's one time. I lightly push her off of me. I get out of bed, while struggling. I leave the room. Jake is cooking. Atleast that's what I hear. I start limping and walking to the kitchen. Margaret is following behind me. "Morning beautiful." Jake says as I get the kitchen. I groan as I walk over to him and wrap my arms around his waist from behind. "Morning." I say. "I'm going to kill you Jake. I can't walk and my back hurts so bad." I say. "Sorry." He says with a laugh. I just smile. "What are you making?" I ask. "Pancakes. Want some?" He asks. I look up at him. "Sure." I say.

idk what else to put for that 🤠

Jakes POV:
Johnnie and I just finished eating our food. He didn't really eat a lot but he tried. "Alex just texted me. She said she's having a party later and asked if we could come." Johnnie says. "Sure that sounds fun." I say as I bring the plates to the sink. "What time?" I ask. "9 pm." Johnnie says. "Okay." I say. I walk over to the couch and sit down. Johnnie sits down next to me. I grab the remote and turn on one of our youtube videos. I laugh at how stupid we are. Johnnie leans his head on my shoulder. I look over at him to see him sleeping. I'll just take him to our room to lay down. Maybe we could take a little nap before the party. I pick Johnnie up and carry him to our bed. Carefully, I lay him down and put the blanket over him. I get in bed next to him and snuggle up to him. I know he's not awake but I whisper to him. "Love you Johnnie." I say.

Johnnies POV:
This whole time I acted like I was sleeping to see what Jake would do. It's cute how he brought me to our bedroom. Right now he's actually sleeping. He's basically spooning me right now. I feel bad because I can hear Margaret scratching at the door trying to get in but I can't let her in since Jake is holding on to me for dear life. I keep hearing her little meows. Whatever, she'll forget about it. I'm just going to try and actually sleep a bit. But first, I'm going to set an alarm so we won't be late for the party. Okay, now I'm going to actually sleep.

time skip

I just woke up to the alarm that I set earlier. Jake is still in the same position. It's been atleast 5 hours how has he been spooning me this whole time? Honestly, who cares. I'll just wake him up now. "Jake." I say. Nothing. "Jake come on." I say shaking him a bit. "Mmmm what." Jake says in a raspy, tired voice. "The party's in an hour. We have to start getting ready soon." I say. "Ugh okay." Jake says sitting up. I just look up at him. He gets out of bed and walks to our bathroom. I can hear the shower turn on. I'm not going to get a shower since I just got one last night. Normally I would but I just don't feel like it right now. Soon enough I get out of bed and change. I'm just going to wear what I normally wear to parties. A band shirt, black skinny jeans, a leather jacket, jewelry, and black boots. After I change I start to do my makeup. First I start with some concealer. Then my eyeshadow. Some eyeliner and maybe some mascara. By the time I finish my makeup, Jake finishes his shower. As soon as I start my hair Jake comes up behind me and taps on my shoulder. I turn around to look at him. "Can you do my makeup?" He asks. "Sure." I say. I get up off of the chair and Jake sits down. "What do you want me to do?" I ask. "I don't really want eyeshadow but can you do some eyeliner on me?" He asks. "Of course." I say with a smile. I grab my eyeliner and start to put it on him. It's kind of hard to do. "Will it be easier if you sit on my lap?" Jake asks. "Yes." I say. I sit down on Jakes lap and start to do his eyeliner better. "Okay, done!" I say as I finish. I give Jake a peck on the lips and got off of his lap.

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