What You Do For Love

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A young woman looking for love,
her name was Janet,
she grew up with ideas to travel
to other planets
She had all the dreams but
her parents ran it out of her
with aspirations of what they could never be, but in reality
Janet was a woman with a plan,
anything she could do she would,
and they got her to improve on
a molecular basis,
she couldn't accept regular,
she was obsessed with
the nebular clouds in the universe,
she wondered to herself if she could find
love there

she would walk in the streets
of the ghetto hearing the cat
calls as the cats crawled in the back
of the alleys, boys tried to alley
hoop her heart but she kept tally
of all the ones that tried to keep
her off track,
she got back from school one day
and received a letter,
it was a note from her father
saying she could do better,
and that he was wrong about
putting off his daughter's goals
and aspirations,
it was just the navigation
of his mind didn't have what it
took to walk her climb
and him and
her mother just wanted the best
and from that point on Janet
never settled for less

She met a young man
in college and the bond they had
was atomic, they were knowledgeable in
their fields of study of each other yet
remained platonic,
they grew more as he began to court her
with no judgement in sight,
she soon began pursuing her dream
of seeing the universe in the night
the man got on one knee before she was
scheduled to take off into space,
she could taste her dreams,
they were sweet like treats
her mother used to bake
she was then was faced
with a decision to make
she looked at the man
and saw he had a plan
she could help with,
she said, "Let's do it"
and he said,
"Us for life"
and before you knew it
the rocket took flight
and that man never seen
the woman again
but she could no longer pretend
that the love she was looking for
had no end,
she always had it.

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