💤-💗{ detention }

142 2 24

Requested By: Choco-bonbunny

╰┈➤ Ship: Drake (Drew x Jake) Angst + Lime


*Drew POV*

Another day at school with all these stupid lectures and homework assignments. I glance at the clock on the wall, willing time to move faster so I can escape this boredom. The minutes tick by at a painfully slow pace, dragging on forever.

Just makes me sick knowing I have to be here for years.

Turning a corner, I catch a glimpse of movement out of the corner of my eye. Curiosity piqued my interest for a fleeting moment before I dismissed it as another student hurrying to class. Glad I have a free period right now.

 I really just noticed there's no one around in the halls. Usually there would be crowds of people yelling and just trashing the school.

But what do I care, it's their life, not mine. There's no point in going to the bathroom or another class...I guess I'll just head to the library.

I kept walking through the halls toward the library barely staying awake. I had to keep waking myself up so I wouldn't pass out on the floor. Ah, I wish I could go home already. The entrance of the library was the exact same, with the smell of dust overwhelming me. They really need to clean this place more. This school is too damn poor to even get a janitor.

I walk towards a table when I feel a tap on my shoulder and hear the voice I never wanted to hear again. The voice I wish I could just remove from my memory and wish I never remembered.


I don't even turn back. I just stand there, clenching my backpack strap. I don't know if I should talk to him or just leave. But I came here for a reason, right?

"Please Drew..." the voice pleaded, halting my attempt to leave.

"Just leave me alone Jake!" I yell, whirling around and instinctively pushing his arm away. "Just at least let me say something!" he yells back, grabbing my arm. That exact minute I felt his hand on me I just wanted to burst out in rage. He sounded desperate, but I didn't want to hear it.

"I don't want to see you trying to 'fix' anything!" I spat, shoving him back. He stumbled a bit but caught his balance and shoved me back.

It caught me off guard a bit, but instinct kicked in, and I retaliated, grabbing his collar and shoving him again to a nearby bookshelf. Books cascaded to the ground, but it didn't matter at the moment.

"What on earth is going on here!" a voice cut through the tense silence. Who...?

"Shit," I murmur, letting go of Jake and backing away. I'm so stupid for forgetting that.

"It... we just had a little... disagreement," Jake answered, glancing back at me between words. I could tell he was nervous. I was too. Man, my parents were going to kill me.

"A disagreement that turns to...this?!" The librarian gaze swept over the disheveled library, her expression a mix of disappointment and disbelief as she waved her hands around. "This is completely unacceptable behavior, especially here in the library."

"We're sorry..." Jake muttered. Well, I sure wasn't.

The librarian sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose. "Detention for the both of you, And I also expect a written apology by tomorrow."

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