Chaper I

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It was another happy day in hell with all everyone doing their part to make this hotel stay safe and open for newcomers. Charlie had still been enjoying the company of her father making new memories from lost time with Alastor tagging along. The demon had always been suspicious of the king since he came with it being from his voice down to his skin being porcelain smooth. He also found Lucifer up in the middle of the night staring into the nothingness of a corner wall. He wouldn't buy that this little thing was even close to a demon let alone the king.
(Chapter moves a bit fast so um im sorry😅)
~3rd person~

Everyone was gathered into the lobby for a little meeting that Charlie had seemed a bit too excited for when talking about it.
Charlie giggled as she spoke happiness lacing every corner of her voice "So remember my little trip to Heaven?" She asked
"Yes..." everyone said in Harmony
"Well... Emily invited me back for a few days to go over some details and said she would love for you all to come up to demonstrate how the redemption is going!!!!" She jumped up and down showing her excitement to the others as they all spoke of good things but Lucifer looked like he had seen a ghost with his eyes seeming the loose life but grasping on to consciousness by a thread.
"Oh my. Wow, hahaha! That is awesome Char-Char! Say um when do we leave?" He said in a nervous act fumbling over words

"Oh not until tomorrow!" She said trying to ease her father's nerves.
Lucifer mumbled something under his breath as he spoke "Okay!! I'm going to start packing cause you know how it goes, early worm gets eaten by the bird!" He snapped his fingers and turned to go to the elevators.
"Is that the saying?" Vaggie asked with pure confusion at the little man's words.


~?Lucifer? POV~

'Shit.' I thought walking to my room trying to calm down as I soon slammed the door pacing looking for an excuse to not go.
'I got banned? No, Sick? NO PEOPLE DONT GET SICK. FUCK!!'
I pace smashing little trinkets I find in my room out of anger.
'Maybe I just go into the human world and go to Canada? FUCK I LOST MY TRAVEL PRIVILEGES FOR BEING SHORT, AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!' I face plant into my bed slowly feeling the warmth embrace my body in an everlasting hug. The reason I didn't want to go is because then they would need to the see the caged monster I am and I don't need that shit especially after HE killed that other guy.

I hear two soft knocks on my door as I stand up. I wipe my face realizing I can't cry and walking over to open the door.
"Yes?" I asked looking up at the fellow in front of me kinda happy someone knocked to snap me out of my thoughts.. nope I take it back it's Alastor

"Greetings fellow king! I am checking on you due to Charlie being worried about you." His grin giving off he had suspicions of me

"Ehe~ now you are here. I was before you showed up so just tell her I said I'm fine and leave me the fuck alone~" I say in a happy go lucky tone slamming the door only for it to be stopped by his cane.

"Hmmm I have business with you that I truly would like to discuss with you." He said sounding more serious.
I gulp as I knew what he was going to say and I truly didn't want to talk to a glowing pink bastard about it.

He walked over and sat on my ottoman{long storage couch} at the end of my bed.
"I know you know what I'm going to talk about my dear and you should make this easy since I now know I could break you.." Alastor says in a threatening tone crossing his legs and patting the spot next to him.

I sit down folding my hands in my lap playing with my ring nervous about what he's going to ask me.
"Let's get to the point darling, what are you?" He asked pulling my chin up to show my emotionless face.

A smile starts to form on my face as I speak in a voice only the insane would use "I'm a puppet to a monster." He said taking over the bit of control I had
Alastor dropped my face looking a bit horrified at the voice on the other side.

"And who might this 'monster' be?" He asked showing he was a bit scared now.
~Lucifer's POV~ (The real one)

"Oh we both know I am." I said bitterly as the taste of vemon filled my mouth

"I want to hear you say it." He said now showing confidence knowing I wouldn't hurt him. Truth is I would since I hate his stupid face but best not get too cocky, I'm weak in this form.

"I'm the one and only Lucifer, well I mean my voice is but not really my form." I explain

"So.. if you're not really here then, where are you?" He asked and I wasn't going to stop answering since I had already said a lot to the point it too late to bullshit out of it.

"Heaven. Only way they could keep me from getting out of control and Lilith seemed to want to keep her life for some reason. But I have my own room and stuff so it's comfortable I guess.." I say leaning back shrugging

"Are you really this height? Like 4'9"??" He said chuckling at the height


The conversation continued as we both talked until early morning as we parted ways.

~1011 words~

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