Chapter II

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The next day was horrible with people running to grab things and pickle pack for the next week in heaven. Lucifer kinda just sat there with Alastor waiting for everyone because Alastor could snap things on and off and Lucifer well- he already was in heaven so there really wasn't any point of packing-
"Alright we all ready?!" Charlie exclaimed
"Yeah." Everyone said either really dry or excited depended on the person

Lucifer opened the portal as they walked in a sudden gun shot echoed as it reached the king

Lucifer was on the floor not bleeding but with a hollow hole in his face.
Everyone's mouths hung open as the looked at him then looked down to see the real Lucifer.

"I told the fucker to keep his mouth shut." He says in a stern voice. Everyone looking down to see the real him.

Longer hair put into a ponytail with a apple clip, a baggy (pirate lookin-) shirt with corset, gold vines and red apples dancing around the fabric, white shorts similar to the puppets, topping it off with black boots with gold snacks curling around the ankles and toes.

"My apologies for the mess and also the uh confusion-." Lucifer said it a more polite tone that his puppet normally sounded

"But- you- WHAT IS GOING ON?!" Charlie yelled as her demon form tried to show but the holy power of heaven quickly ending that.

"I sent puppets down to hell since heaven had to keep an eye on me for 'Almost dying' whatever the fuck that means." Lucifer said more annoyed about his title having a weak comment on it.

"Dear you tried to kill multiple people people and almost got yourself killed, we can't have hell without a king." Sera said as Emily followed

"Excuses." He glared at Sera and walked to her side putting weight on his hip.

Sera just sighed at his childish behavior as she tried to be as welcoming as possible but having a dead puppet in the middle of the floor is uncomfortable- "it's truly wonderful to see you again even after the little inconvenient we will work things out, I promise. I will show everyone their rooms, I paired up everyone according to the last meeting we had Charlie." Sera stuck a little smile as she handed out keys.
"Show them their rooms please Lucifer." Sera asked kindly
"And if I don't wanna?" The king teased the seraphim
"That wasn't a question that was a demand. Go." She spoke as anger laced her voice
"Fine. Follow me." The king started walking them towards a very nice apartment building where he has stayed during his time when not in meetings or being watched.
"What's the number on your keys? I'm sure you are all on my floor." The bling asked taking a peek at a few of the numbers."

"Me and Vaggie have 444." Charlie said replying to her father
"Floor 8." Lucifer said as he went down everyone's numbers until he reached Alastor.
"What your number." He said in an annoyed tone as it's natural when someone is so dumb.
"It appears to be 666." Alastor said chucking at what Sera was probably implying.
"Oh hell no. No, no, no, no. Let me see it." Before Alastor could protest Lucifer snatched the key and was looking at it in horror.
"WHY THE FUCK WOULD SHE PUT YOU IN MY ROOM?!" He yelled anger filling the mans body quickly calling the seraphim and explaining the situation.

"Well you and your puppet got along so figured you two could work out."

"No!!! That was a puppet and not me!!!"

"Well that's a shame because it's too late to go back now. I have a meeting so I must go." She said as she hung up the phone.

Fine. Two can play that game.

After showing the others their room Lucifer made his way to his own with the Radio demon following behind with Lucifer stopping infront of the door and turning around
"Ok we gotta set some ground rules here buster. I don't give two shits who you are when you are in hell but when you are up here and especially in my house I am the one in charge so don't forget that. You are also sleeping on the couch."
The blond opened the door to a room that was beautiful. White walls and gold vines spread across the walls as there was a big apples tree in the corner

(this apartment is magic so it's expandable so it looks small but it's huge. Just believe in the magic god damnit)

"Welcome to your home for however long Sera and Em keep ya." Lucifer said in a groggy tone.
"Hmmmm it's quite nice I must say, looks a bit bland but I guess it will do." Alastor said with a shrug

That made Lucifer's blood boil as he just walked into his room and slammed his door. "If you are trying to be annoying just stop I'm too tired for your crap." Chains forming on his wrists as he walks in the house "I DIDNT EVEN DO ANYTHING." Demon form now eager to show as the chains faded.
_________Night time yall_____
Everyone was starting to get hungry as they called Lucifer's room trying to get them all to go out for dinner as a staff celebration but both Alastor and the king hated the idea.
Soon both gave in after totally not being bribed with wine and a few promises to leave them alone after.

"Fine. Only if this of a demon doesn't come near me during diner I'm good." Lucifer looked Alastor up and down giving his a nasty look
Alastor returned the look as both followed the group to a dinner place Sera thought they would like.

(I ain't writing a whole dinner but it was a lot of Alastor and Lucifer fighting about random crap)

"We'll make you to get sleep, we have a meeting tomorrow at 6am sharp!" Charlie bounced up and down into the elevator Vaggie patting her back to calm her down.

Alastor and Lucifer made it into the room settling into the warm embrace of the blankets drifting into slumber.
Last part was rushed just so we can get to more of the important stuff like the angst and possibly some connections between Alastor and Lucifer other than fighting.

Alright that's all for now!
Toodles book goblins!

1075 words

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