Chapter IV

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After their conversation Lucifer wanted to start working on the paperwork Sera and the other board members sent him, 'This is going to take forever...' he sighs looking over at the 3 large stacks of papers on his desk.
Alastor got curious on how quiet it was so he decided to check on Lucifer making sure he wasn't dead. He moved his coat and vest from the couch throwing it on the floor and walked over to the kings door knocking, "Your Majesty?" He asks waiting a few seconds before opening the door being met with a sleeping beauty at his desk moon shimmering on every detail of his skin. Alastor felt he couldn't take his eyes off him as he walked towards him taking in the small features, his pink round cheeks, soft blond hair and his beautiful eyes that shimmered every time they met and cute, little, pointed ears that are covered by his hair most of the time.
Alastor smiled picking up the king and bringing him to his bed before looking at the now completed paperwork, "My goodness, you really don't take breaks." He laughed before sighing, "Goodnight your majesty." He said before exiting the bedroom.
~~~~~~~~~~Next Day~~~~~~~~

Lucifer woke up panicked not knowing where he was until he saw he was brought into his bed. He quickly got up looking at the old crushed alarm spewing out a few loud, raspy beeps before Lucifer tapped the small end button swiftly walking out to see Alastor on the couch reading, "Ah morning dear, coffee is in the pot!" Alastor said licking his finger and turning the page.
"Did you move me last night?" Lucifer asked in a very unreadable tone.
Alastor hummed, "Well it depended how you feel about it because if you are grateful, yes if not then, no." He said closing the book turning to the blond who was a bit confused himself.
Lucifer stumbled on his words, "I-I don't know but I was just going to say thank you if you did.." He sighed before getting some coffee.
Alastor hummed smiling before continuing to read his book both sitting in silence but this time it wasn't so uncomfortable... it was soothing and pleasant.


The latest meeting got canceled so everyone decided to go have some fun, "Oo maybe we can go to the mall and play some fun games or maybe we can find a specific activity?" Charlie flowed with ideas in the elevator truly felt bad for Vaggie when they got off on their floor.
Alastor and Lucifer got into the apartment parting ways to get dressed for a more casual evening.
Lucifer wore some normal black boots, a black tank top with a baggy duck shirt over top and jeans. His hair was put into a bun with two stands of hair framing his face.

Alastor wore a black turtleneck with dark denim jeans and his normal boots. His hair was tied into a small ponytail with hai bands styled more nicely and his ears pinned to the sides.

Everyone met at the lobby of the hotel for many fun activities for bonding moments. The first went to the mall buying lots of clothing and food until they stopped at a big arcade, "Woooow, can we go it?" Charlie asked bouncing up and down. Vaggie smiled nodding her head as everyone followed getting tiny cards to use for the game machines. One particular game caught Lucifer's eye as he ventured off on his own asking the store clerk for instructions on the game
"Haha, how old are you kiddo? Got any parents that can pay for this or some b-day cash?" He asked half joking.
Lucifer looked upset, "Sir I can assure you I am very much old enough to play the game." He grumbled.
Alastor had noticed to absents of the king as he looked around finding him to be at a duck plush station. He saw there was a bit of a disagreement as he shadow-ported behind Lucifer, "How are things going dear?" He asked scaring Lucifer a bit
Lucifer halted at the radio demon, "He thinks I'm a kid when I am very clearly an adult, hell I'm way past that!" He said raising his voice a bit looking at the clerk
The clerk put his hands up defensively, "Wow I don't make the rules here I'm just doing my job." He said

Alastor giggled a bit, "Oh my I'm so sorry for the inconvenience but this is actually my boyfriend and he is the same age as me if you would like ID I can provide both of ours!" He said tilting his head smiling before reaching into his pocket and getting both id's from his wallet. Lucifer had forgotten he gave him that since he didn't have pockets-
The clerk took the cards before looking at them closing eyeing Lucifer and the card back and forth, "Alright... guess you can get one of these and I suppose for the trouble I can put in an extra prize." He says handing back the cards. Lucifer played the game winning the tiny sleeping duck plush he had his eyes on

Lucifer walked back to the group showing off all the cool prizes they got before going to more. They played a fun dance one where Alastor and Lucifer tangoed and honestly it wasn't that bad for either of them, they actually seemed to enjoy ones company.

Looking outside to see the dark night sky they all went back to the complex before each one got off the elevator saying their good nights leaving with their partners. Lucifer and Alastor were so tired they both started to doze off before they heard a loud ding quickly hitting the open button and rushing to the room. They took their shoes off and put any prizes down before running to the couch collapsing into the soft, plush cushion cuddled up in comfortable positions.

Alastor woke up to see Lucifer by his side grasping onto his arm. Alastor smiled before getting up to once again too put the king to sleep but he wouldn't let got of his arm so he just fell asleep next to him in bed.

In the morning Lucifer woke up with warm arms wrapped around his waist as he hugged back, he pulled his head back to see Alastor peaceful face sleeping with a small smile on his face, 'Guess he never does stop smiling... it's okay, at least it's handsome- I MEAN WHAT WHO SAID THAT.' He panicked turning cherry red and sinking back into the touch until they both woke up the next day...


Wow no way, I actually posted?😱 who are they? I don't know them but, jokes aside I am starting to get into the book and I'm not even the one reading it I'm always like, "Omg what's next? That's so crazy!" When I'm the one writing it so to let yall not have that same struggle ima post more hopefully! Welp, hope you enjoyed and let me know what yall want next because I got some new additions soon!!

Toodles my Book Goblins!

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