Chapter III

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3rd POV:

the sound of Lucifer's alarm filled the silence of the lingering night only to be shortly lived with Lucifer snatching the clock and throwing it against the wall. 'Another fucking day... yay.' He sighed getting up from the bed grabbing a towel and heading to the restroom. He turns the shower head all the way on hot taking his clothes off and hair down stepping into the shower.
He finishes about 5 minutes later quickly getting out and putting a towel on hissing at the cold air around him.

After drying off and blow drying his hair he goes to his closet and picks out a plain red corset with a pair of shorts and a white baggy top matching his set of boots with a heel that was in the shape of a small apple. Grabbing a hair clip he walks out of the room pinning his hair as he walks.

He goes into the living room to see the radio demon sitting on the barstool area of the kitchen him in a tight shirt hugging his more broad figure and trousers on. "Staring is rude my dear~" Alastor teased poking at his food. Clearly he didn't like it with the look he wore as Lucifer looked at him then the food.
"You know you didn't cook that right? Heaven's food is very different than Hell's so I'll make you something, just go get dressed so you don't look like shit and embarrass my daughter." He said taking out pans and a few ingredients making some cinnamon apple pancakes.

Alastor came out of his room with his classic outfit on just without the blazer. Both ate in silence with nothing to talk about since I mean you figure out someone you've known was a puppet laying on the ground emotionless from the past.
Today was one of the days they had a meeting so both got up putting the dishes in the sink and leaving for heavens office.

~~~~~~~~~~At the office~~~~~~

Lucifer took a deep breath as he stepped in finding all of the guests plus Sera and Emily. Sera looked at Lucifer and Alastor waving before taking her glass and tapping on it for peoples attention "Take a seat so we can start." Sera stated at the two demons took their seats.

After 2 long hours of talking about the cancellation of the exterminations that will hopefully happen.
"Wanna go find somewhere to go, maybe an activity or food?" Charlie asked grabbing onto Vaggie's hand
Lucifer grabbed some paperwork and caught up to the rest of the sinners "Um, there is a shopping mall you can go too." He stated grabbing his phone and texting the adress.
Charlie looked a bit upset "You don't wanna join us?" She asked with a sad, pleading tone.
"I would love too but I have papers I need to fill out, maybe next time." He said hustling past everyone.
"You wanna join Alastor?" Charlie asked hoping for the answer she wanted
"I may go back to the room and relax, this is my vacation is it not?" He hummed walking past everyone catching up to Lucifer.

The king looked up and saw the demon following him like a dog, "What do you want." He grumbled pushing the complexes door open, walking to the elevator.
Alastor stayed at a steady pace never taking an eye off the king but not uttering a word until they got to the room.

Both took their shoes off setting them on the rack as Lucifer made his way to his room closing the door to only be caught by the radio demons foot.
"My my, we haven't caught up in a while. Mind if I join?" He asks as the door slowly opens as he slips through and hears the door close.

The king stood there before Alastor grabbed his chin, "I want to know what has been going on the past few years," both looked at a pile of papers on the desk before looking back "Work can wait." He said as his claw like nails ran down his neck.

Lucifer jolted at the touch, "I already told you most of it, make puppets, send em down, bada bing bada boom. Anything else?" He said pushing away from his touch.

Alastor glared "I mean what did Sera mean by almost killing others and yourself, I'm truly interested." He asked putting his chin in his hands.

Lucifer hung his head low as he walked past him humming, "I couldn't rule hell on my own and I knew some fellow friends from Heaven who could do it perfectly. I offered and they denied so if someone puts an evil reputation on me I'm gonna use it, that's how the 7 sins came upon my kingdom!" He says scalars as red as blood itself.

"And yourself?" Alastor asks leaning in the wall

Lucifer fell silent as his eyes turned back to a soft yellow color, "Just living is enough for me to almost die but I tried bringing my sister down and she fought back, I won but in the end almost died." He says twirling his hair.

Alastor giggled a bit, "Oh even a small king can win a fight against her.. WELL, this was truly an interesting interaction and I hope to mingle with you again but I must leave, goodbye now!" He says traveling through the shadows to the front room.

Lucifer thought about all he had admitted, "Fuck."

Ayeeee look at me posting! I have been working on side books but ima wait to post them till they are done but yeah, I'm starting to like this plote so hopefully I'll get a good posting schedule down and it will be completed soon!

Let me know what fandoms y'all want so I can try and get to them!

Bye book goblins!

978 words

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