Episode 1: Crappy Cliff

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They fiddled with the keyboard as they finished setting up, with a last click they pushed the mic closer to their speaker; "Alright everything ready on your end?"

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They fiddled with the keyboard as they finished setting up, with a last click they pushed the mic closer to their speaker; "Alright everything ready on your end?"

After hearing yes they opened up their recording tab on the computer. "Okay then, we're live in 3...2....1!"


The camera clicked on, he backed away and begun what was now his own.
"Hello! My name is Mephone4, and this is Inanimate Insanity!"

He was excited once he had started, this show was his and he loved it. He continued to explain how the show worked. Mephone was surprised when Adam gave him the green light and confirmed his show would be airing. After explaining about the challenges, he walked over and showed the elimination area.

"You see, each team that loses per episode will have to eliminate one of their teammates, and that person leaves and doesn't return ever!" He half lied on that one, only because Adam said that it would excite people and that the show could be cancelled any time. Which made Mephone a tad bit nervous.

Paper watched as their host was explaining something to the camera, he fidgeted with his hands, nervous. His running mind was interrupted though. "What's gotcha so scared, Paper, my bro?" Lightbulb giggled. He'd met her not that long ago, of course this meant he still wasn't used to her jumping around.

"Oh, just a little nervous... Y'know I've never been on a show like this before- heh.." Paper bent a little, he was never overly confident. The last show he was on got rid of him for quote; "extreme and random acts of violence." He wasn't too sure how.

"Heh, well nothing a game of rock paper scissors can't solve!" She put out her hands expecting him to play. Paper was surprised and a little confused, but if it meant feeling better, he was all for it. "Rock, Paper, Scissors, Shoot!"
Lightbulb held out a rock while Paper did- well paper. He partly knew she did this on purpose. Afterall he isn't good at much of any game.

But of course he did feel better after winning. "Aww shucks, good game Paper me bro!" She laughed. Paper smiled and he turned around to see the other contestants.

One person caught his eye though, a glass of orange juice. He was greeting the other contestants, he was smiling and seemed to be confident. Opposite of Paper all the way. He kinda liked that. Maybe they could be friends.

"Now let's get to their first challenge!" Mephone4 stood in front of the contestants now, Paper turned back around. "The challenge is to jump off this 60 ft cliff!" He waved his hands, presenting the cliff they were huddled on. "Wait what?" Salt jumped and got closer to Pepper.

"The goal is to jump into the water hole full of clean spring water, if not, you will fall in the elephant feces surrounding it!" Everyone shared either a disgusted or wowed face. Most of them were disgusted. "So, everyone ready?" Mephone grinned. Paintbrush raised their hand, "Uh- actually I have a question about-" "Start!" "Dang it!" They said.

"Wait- what's feces again?" Paper asked to himself. Knife nudged him on the elbow, "Oh y'know dung, poop, that kids at the pool-" "Eww, actually nevermind!" Paper backed up. Pickle got in between them, "Don't worry guys! I have loads of experience jumping off cliffs!"

He ran and jumped off the cliff to everyone's amazement. Though, it wasn't long until they peeked over and saw him in the feces. "Wow, that's just sad." Mephone looked over with the camera. "That's disgusting!" Paintbrush noted.

"C'mon Salty Salt, let's jump together!" Pepper held Salt's hand. "Off that? No way!" She scrunched up her face. "But we're B.C.F.Fs! And we do everything together!" "Sure, but like Pep, look at that!" She pointed down to where Pickle was. "Okay...." Pepper crossed her arms.

Nickel stood a few feet from the cliff, "huh, maybe I should just skip this challenge." He observed. Plus he didn't really want to be team captain anyway. Suddenly though he was hit and pushed to the ground. "Hey what gives!?" "This challenge is mine!" Balloon pushed Nickel and ran off the cliff.

Surely he had a advantage, afterall he was a balloon. He could easily just aim for the water hole. But after he jumped he realized quickly that being slow was also a disadvantage. "Smart, but not smart!" Mephone giggled. "Aw crap!" Balloon crossed his arms as he spun slowly in the air.

Paper stood, he was now overthinking way too much. Should he jump? It was disgusting and embarrassing if he lost. But if he doesn't, he doesn't win and could easily be eliminated!" His train of thought was pushed away as a hand landed on shoulder. "Uh Hey!" OJ went to greet him, OJ was trying to get to know everyone, for both the game and just for some new relations. "Oh, uh- hi!" Paper said nervously.

"This game is pretty wild huh?" OJ tried to start some conversation. "Definitely, heh- I can't believe Mephone expects all of us to do this? I don't know if I wanna jump!" "Totally, y'know I don't even think this is safe or legal! Might sue the guy and get the million for free, hehe!" OJ laughed at his own joke.

Paper laughed too, "Hey, even if we're not on the same team, wanna be friends?" OJ held out his hand. Paper grabbed his hand, "Sure!" Nickel grumbled as he got back up, can't this tub of air have some mercy for people without arms? He rolled his eyes, though when he turned to observe again, he saw Taco... about to push Lightbulb off the cliff!

"Wait Taco, don't do it!" Taco snickered and pushed Lightbulb off. "Noooo!" Nickel ran over to see if she'd make it. Lightbulb fell and she yelped as she hit the water. "What?!" Everyone had practically said in unison. Everyone looked at each other, probably questioning if they should jump now or never.

Mephone smiled as he rubbed his hands together. "This is going well!" He said out of the camera's way. Adam pushed his mic back over to himself, "Sure is! Good job!" He said as he laid back in his chair.

It took another 30 minutes before Balloon finally landed in the water, everyone had been debating so long that they just had given up. "Wow, wow, wow!" Mephone grinned and walked over to everyone, the camera following.

"Looks like Lightbulb and Balloon are the team captains for this season!" Mephone grinned as the camera cut. After a bit, they got everyone out of the feces/water hole, and while they were washing and drying off, Mephone turned the camera back on.

Balloon got up and ran over, "Hey! Where's my prize! I demand a prize! Now!" Mephone frowned, "Where'd that additude come from?" "Anyhow, you'll get your team next episode!"

"What!" Balloon exclaimed, "Yep, you heard correctly, next episode!" Oh c'mon!-" Nickel popped Balloon before he could continue. "Heh revenge!" He laughed. Everyone seemed relieved to have the challenge be over.

"Well then it's settled! Viewers, tune in next episode to see Lightbulb and Balloon pick their teams!" He said, pointing. The camera clicked off as Adam spun in his chair. His smile faded as he sighed. "This is gonna be a long ride, Blue." He turned off his computer and laid back in his chair. Mephone wouldn't be ready for what was to come.


Hello! CheeseCakester here, very excited to start this series as I love Inanimate Imsanity and the osc. It is my pleasure to try and rewrite some of the plot holes and try to clean up this season before starting the next 2! Hope you enjoyed :)

Also here's a lil bit of the contestants after the episode!


"So anyone have a red?" Lightbulb asked "Um, I do have spades!" Baseball answered, confused. "Hmm, Go fish!" Balloon got up and yelled. "What game are we even playing!?" OJ threw his uno cards on the air. "Uh Bridge, duh!" Salt crossed her arms.

Inanimate Insanity (Season 1) Rewrite :)Where stories live. Discover now