Episode 0: Aftermath

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OJ set down the last of the boxes, he wiped his glass. "Phew! Alright, how many rooms need bed frames?" He walked into the soon to be lobby. "Hmm... I think about 14? I got most of them done!" Paper smiled, he stepped down the ladder.

"Where's everyone else?" OJ opened the fridge and started unpacking the bags of groceries. "Most of them are calling dibs on their rooms," Paper walked over and grabbed a juice box out of one of the paper bags. "Do you need some more juice? Those boxes were heavy!"

"Yeah, thanks." OJ stood up, "Y'know all of this has really changed my views." "How?" "Well after the competition, I felt way more... I guess tense." OJ tossed the empty juice box in the trash. "And the idea... taking care of this hotel is gonna be difficult. I wonder if I'll be able to handle it."

OJ leaned on the fridge, pondering. "Well after the competition I think I've changed too," Paper stood next to the glass. "And I've learned to relax a bit, and focus on myself sometimes." Paper rubbed his arm. ".. y'know I had to be told that to even think about it."

"....who told you that?" OJ looked at Paper, "I thought you'd remember the things you've told people!" Paper giggled. "Oh! Wow, I guess the competition made me forget too, heh.." OJ laughed along. Paper brushed OJ's hand. "Let's take a break, I think they're done with choosing rooms." Paper nudged him.

"Alright... I'm getting the left side though! I like having the window next to me." OJ spun the keys around his finger as they walked. "Fine, but that doesn't mean you get the whole side to yourself." Paper pressed the button for the elevator. "How do you plan on sharing one side of the bed?" OJ tilted his glass. "Well the benefits of being paper come in handy a lot more than you think!"

The elevator opened, "I'll believe when I see it." OJ grinned as they walked in. "Wanna bet already? I thought you were done with competition!" Paper lightly punched his arm. "I told ya the competition still has me tense!" OJ played with the keys in his hand.

"Yeah, yeah, alright.." Paper rolled his eyes. "Wanna watch a movie?" OJ turned to Paper, "Sure, just not a really scary one.. or one about dolphins!" "Of course!" The elevator opened again. The two walked out and started walking down the hallway. "Oh hey guys! Can we order pizza for dinner?" Pickle came out of his room.

"Uhh sure, just make sure to ask everyone what they're okay with!" OJ gave Pickle a thumbs up, Pickle cheered and ran back into his room. OJ and Paper finally made it to their room. OJ unlocked the door and walked in the dim lit room. "Feels nice to be in a actual building!" OJ sighed in relief. Paper nodded and turned on the lights.

"Oh yeah did you put up those pictures?" "Yep!" Paper smiled, the two sat on the bed. OJ grabbed the remote on the dresser and turned on the TV. "Ugh, I forgot how annoying live TV is." OJ flickered through some channels. Finally he landed on the movie channel. "Alright, I'll order the pizza once Pickle's done." OJ grabbed the cork next to the bed and stuffed it in his glass.  "Alrighty!"

The ads continued for a bit, one in particular was very boring. OJ and Paper shared a good laugh after they purposely yawned. The ad in question was just some commercial for new technology. Meeple technology, of course.


Pickle finished getting orders and stopped in the lobby to get a drink, he looked up at the wall. Paper had hung up some pictures taken during the competition, Pickle sighed looking at him and Taco. He glanced at the picture with a golden frame, it was the only one like that.

Of course that was for a good reason. She was the funniest, shame she never truly got out of the show like everyone else. Pickle stood there for a bit, a little sad truthfully. Now they had the hotel, and Pickle decided that he should brush it off. The show wasn't that important anyhow, the season was done. And he would never see it again.

Later that night they ordered the pizza. OJ finally started a party that night thanks to Lightbulb, and everyone was happy.

OJ suddenly stopped, everyone started to stare at him frantically talking to Paper who just kept nodding. "OJ... What are you doing?" Pickle walked up to him. "I completely forgot! I can't believe it!" "What?" "I'm going to get Apple with Paper, we'll be back soon okay?"

"Oh! Uh okay!" Pickle nodded. The two hurried out the door.

 The two hurried out the door

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Mephone had been looking at the whiteboard in front of him for some time. The phone looked down in the cardboard box next to it. Out of curiosity he took out a card and a piece of paper. The card had that camera dude on it, the page had a note saying; "Consider letting you biggest Fan join! Get it? Fan! Hehe cuz I'm a fan!"

Mephone rolled his eyes at the corny joke. He did look at the card for a moment, he shrugged and put the piece of paper and card on the board. He stepped back a observed the covered board with new objects. From scientists to out right college drop outs, Mephone had his plan ready.

 From scientists to out right college drop outs, Mephone had his plan ready

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Thanks for reading! :D

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