Episode 18: Journey Through Memory Lane (Part 2)

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Taco and OJ both fell to the ground as the elimination structure sunk further into the quicksand. However once the ground stopped shaking, Taco was quick to kick OJ and run onward.

Mephone hit the ground, luckily his wings were still intact. He had wrapped himself in them seconds before they hit the ground. 4s scraped his hands, but he shook himself together. His wings were cut off, though he wasn't worried about himself. "I need a vacation after this," Mephone panted.

Mephone5 quickly teleported before them, "You can pack your puny bags later." 4s pulled Mephone up before the two started to run off.


OJ had caught up to Taco, but he was still a bit behind. Taco quickly threw the decorations on the tree, she ran off saying nothing. Despite his doubt, OJ still carried on and didn't stop running.

Taco stopped in front of the stupid sand monster, "Before you pass you must answer a riddle!" Tyler stood before the small object. Taco didn't have time for this inconvenience, she kicked the monster back and sprinted off. She was so close, she didn't glance back to look for OJ.

She dived in the water and grabbed the coin, she continued on and kicked another OJ cutout.

She knew OJ was a smart guy. But she also knew he had no chance against her. She saw Nickel and Bomb in the distance, she stopped running and raised a eyebrow to what this challenge was. "Oh... Uh catch me and put me in the bin... Y'know what, I don't care." Nickel walked and stepped in the box.

Taco grinned and continued.

"Ugh.. before you pass you must answer a riddle!" Tyler stumbled in front of the glass. "Okay?" OJ fiddled with his hands. "Ahem... What is the one thing, that can help you in your time of need... can lead you to accomplishing your goals...and has, everything!?"

OJ thought back to when Marshmallow told him about Walmart, the place that had everything. "Yes! Walmart! Walmart has everything!" OJ snapped his fingers. "It sure does," Tyler stepped aside. OJ stopped at the next challenge, "Uh.. catch Bomb and put him in the bin!" Nickel motioned toward the explosive.

Bomb shrieked and started to run, "Ugh!" OJ started to run again.

Taco finally made it past Tile Terror... the finish line was in eyes view. "Yes!" Taco slowed down now that she was this close.

OJ was shot on top of the tiles, "Oh no... this is a lot harder without Paper." OJ carefully tapped the tile in front of him. He knew this was the last challenge, unfortunately he started to panic more. Taco was in front of him, she could be at the line right now. Winning the game for herself.

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