Episode 3: The Arena of Death

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Knife threw another rock, it barely went ahead of the other rock

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Knife threw another rock, it barely went ahead of the other rock. "Ughhh, it's no fun without Paper." Knife picked up another rock and tossed it lazily. This time it hit marshmallow, who was walking past.
"Owww! Hey, Knife watch where you going!" Marshmallow walked up to him. "Oops! Hey, Marsh do you wanna have fun?" "Heh you bet my marsh I do!" Knife smirked, "Well... I bet my marsh that since I'm so strong and you're so small,"

Marshmallow tensed up a bit. "..I can throw you way over there!" "Huh?" Knife picked her up and threw her. "AAAAAAA-" Marshmallow hit Balloon who immediately popped. "Ow! Jeez!" Marshmallow got back up and wiped herself off. "What happened?" OJ walked over. "Ugh, Knife threw me and I popped Balloon!" "Well I'd say don't get near him." OJ shrugged. "I guess." Marshmallow walked off. Knife sat for a moment, "Wait, how do I bet a marsh?"

After a few moments everyone seemed to have gathered together. Mephone decided this would be a good time to que his entrance. He walked up to the contestants, his camera not to far behind. "Alright contestants, it's time for your next challenge!" "I'll explain the challenge in a moment, first, where's Nickel?" He noticed just now the coin wasn't present. "I think he went to buy a snack or something." Baseball answered. "Ugh, well too bad for him!" Mephone scoffed.

"Well, for this challenge I thought we'd do something very unique, and what's more unique than an Arena of Death?" He rubbed his hands together. "PANDA BEARS!" Taco shouted from the back. "I agree Panda Bears!" OJ chuckled. "I mean that is true-" "Stop interrupting me! Anyway, for this challenge in the Arena of Death - four contestants on each team will stand on top of these eight platforms."

"- and you must try to knock off the other team's contestants with rocks!" "That's gonna hurt!" OJ flinched. "Each team has a bucket packed with rocks, so you shouldn't run out! That first team to have all of their contestants knocked off the platform will face elimination."

"The computer will generate four contestants from each team to participate, and because the team captains are so awesome," "Yeah?" Lightbulb anticipated. ".. they will not be competing!" "Awwww" "For Team Epic it's.... Nickel, Baseball, Knife, and Paintbrush." "Yes!" Nickel jumped up. "Nickel, where have you been?" Baseball turned around. "I told you, I got some sweet candy bags for later today." "Ooh! Thanks."

"For Team Chicken Leg it's... OJ, Salt, Pepper, and Taco." The eight contestants hopped onto the platforms. Everyone else watched. "Alright, your challenge starts now!"

Knife turned to his teammates, "Guys, here's an idea: if we all throw at one person, they won't be able to dodge all the rocks!" "That's smart!" Paintbrush agreed. "Let's go for Taco first!"

Everyone threw their rocks toward Taco. "C'mon Taco dodge them!" Balloon shouted from afar. Instead of moving, Taco opened her mouth as the rocks flew in. "Eww," OJ scrunched up his face. Taco spat them out in all different directions. "They're coming straight for us! What do we do?!" Baseball turned to Nickel. "Do what you were born to do and jump!"
"Amazing dodging skills go!" Paintbrush called out. Everyone jumped, and everyone but Knife were still standing.

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