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Young man
Named rodan
Was working in the coffee shop it was night time
And there was lots of costumer coming
He was tired but he loved he's job
After some time 3 Young boy entered the coffee shop
They were at the same high triplets
They were so hungry their parents abandoned them
Ichi: I'm so hungry...
Ni: I'm cold...
San: do we even have money to buy food...
They checked their pockets but they didn't finde anything
Then they saw a sandwich in a plate
It was rodans food
With anyone seeing
They grab it and started to eat
The manager saw it and gat angry
Manager: hey you 3 steal food!!
Rodan turned around andsaw everything
He smiled
Gat the ghidorah brothers behind him
Rodan: sir...itwas my food they didn't steal
The manager looked at Rodan's act.
Manager: Well, if that's the case, no problem.
He turned around and went back to his chair.
Rodan turned his head, turning to see
The brothers were pleasantly surprised
Rodan: Are you okay?
Ichi: yes...
Ni: Because we-
Rodan: calm down guys, you were hungry right?
The Ghidorah brothers looked down somewhat sadly.
Rodan smiled tenderly.
Ichi: well, if we were hungry and in the name of my brothers and I...
Ni: sorry..
Kevin: We're sorry.
Rodan: calm down... you don't need to apologize...
The ghidorah brothers looked at rodan
Rodsn gesture them
To a table
He went to
And bring them food
Rodan: now eat I'm going to finish my work
Ichi/kevin/ni: OK sir....
The Ghidorah Brothers
they blushed
But they decided to eat.
Rodan's turn ended,
leaving him tired
The brothers turned to see him.
Ichi: he looks tired..
Ni: do you need help?
Kevin: can we help you?
Rodan smiled shaking his head.
Rodan: no I'm fine little ones
He gat up and went to pute he's clothes
Ghidorah brothers follow him everywhere
He gat out coffee shop
He started to walk but heard footsteps he turned
And see the Ghidorah brothers
Rodan looked somewhat confused.
to the brothers.
He approached them to see what they wanted
Something that they simply
They did not.
They walked away.
Rodan: hey~ don't be afraid...I won't hurt you...and why are you following me?
Ichi: well...we have nowhere to go...
Nor: we don't have a roof either.
Kevin: not even money...
Rodan looked at them
For a moment
Then smiled
Rodan: let's go to my house I will take care of you three
The brothers eyes
They run and hug rodan tight
Ichi: omg thank you!
San: thank you!
Rodan took the brothers
   to his house.
  The brothers were somewhat
  happy but at the same time nervous.
  Rodan became attached to them
  he gave them shelter
  Clothing, Food
  And everything they'll need
   in addition to
  Being his friend became like him
   his father, taking care of them and
  taking responsibility for them
  And in all the troubles in which
  the brothers got involved.
Rodan take care of them
Over the year
Ghidorah brothers grow up they were taller and bigger than Rodan
One day rodan finished he's work
And went inside he's room
And laid down on bed.
Rodan always slept
  in the middle since the brothers
they hugged him or stood
around him giving him kisses, affection, cuddles, something that was seen more by Roda.
Back to the topic, Rodan
He settled into bed.
Little by little the brothers
They were arriving first
then Ichi and finally Kevin.
The ghidorah brothers looked down at rodan with obsessed eyes they want him so badly
Ichi: sweetheart ~
Ni: baby ~
San: wake up ~
The Ghidorah brothers settled into different parts of Rodan's body.
Ichi on the shoulder.
Not even in his breasts.
And Kevin on his lap
caressing his thighs.
The brothers were received
  for caresses in their hair
by Rodan
Rodan slowly wake up
And saw the brother's
Looking down at him
With heart eyes
Rodan: guys?...
Ni: we are going to make you happy ~
Ichi:rodan we want you~
San: we are going to get you pregnant ~
Rodan: guys have many times do I have to say I'm your father
Ichi: Rodan, you're not a father.
for us...
Ni: you are more than a friend...
Kevin: You're like...
Rodan: NO!  They can't think like that...
The Ghidorah Brothers
They turned to see Rodan
With crystal clear eyes
Ni: why?
Ichi: so you took care of us?  We appreciate that very much...but...
Rodan: guys... really... there is
many girls who want to be
there is with you...
Ghidorah brothers eyes Watered
They turned their backs
Rodan gat up and went to them
Rodan: guys.....I'm sorry please don't cry
Ichi: But.....
Ni: we ...
Kevin: love you..
Rodan: it's not right ....you know what is summer.....soo tomorrow we are going to the beach and maybe I will finde some hot girls for you three
Ichi/ni/kevin: OK rodan.....
Rodan approached them
  he cupped her cheeks and
  he cleaned everyone
  his tears hurt
a lot to see them like this
He gave them a kiss
the foreheads of him and went to
lie down again,
The next morning
They got ready and left when they arrived.
Rodan walked away from the brothers
  to give them space
get some girl
Ichi: ha.....I want rodan nobody else ~
Ni: I just want to break him ~
San: get him pregnant ~
Their eyes turned into hearts and they smiled
Some girls come to them
Girl: hello handsome ~
Ichi: plsss go away
Ni: not interested
San: shoo
Then the Ghidorah brothers
Rodan coming out of the water
Their nose bleed
Rodan shook his head.
removing the water.
While the brothers
They looked with blushes.
Rodan looked at them somewhat seriously and
  once confused
he realized
  he had only noticed one
young man who was looking at him
somewhat blushing.
Rodan: hehe... there is no...
He took a towel covering himself
  the body.
Rodan went to the ghidorah brothers
The ghidorah looked down and up at him
Rodan: so~ did you guys finde any girls~?
Ichi: nope
Rodan: really?...
They nude
It was night time the brothers were in the house waiting for rodan
Then rodan come but.....he was drunk
Rodan entered and approached where
  There were the Ghidorah brothers,
He leaned on Ni's chest
looking at her face.
Rodan: Wow...how pretty your face is~
Ni: Hee... thank you?
Ichi: were you drinking?
Rodan turned to see the older man.
approaching and hugging him.
Rodan: Shh!~ no need to raise suspicions...
Kevin: About what?
Rodan looked at the minor confused.
  I walk slowly towards the
Taking him by the waist looking at himself
face to face.
Rodan: about little love~
Kevin: Oh..hmm..I get it..
Rodan smiled and grabbed her cheeks.
Kevin giving him a kiss.
Rodan: mmmm~ the person that you 3 will marry is lucky haha~!
ghidorah looked at rodan blushingly
Rodan walked to he's room
And laid down in the bed
Theo brothers follow him
Ichi: luck~
Ni: good luck~
Kevin: hmm!
The elders looked at Kevin
somewhat jealous
They approached and opened the
door poking their heads
from the oldest to the youngest.
Ichi: hehe~ yup you'll be lucky~
Ni: and enough... let's get in...
Kevin: OKAY...
the brothers entered Rodan
he was lying on his back
covering his face with a pillow.
The ghidorah brothers Went to the bed
They looked at Rodan's body with lust
They turned him around
They looked at he's body and dace
Ichi kiss rodan
Ni and Kevin kiss he's body
Rodan wake up still dizzy and drunk
Rodan looked around at his
  Her eyes were half open.
She felt discomfort but
see better she realized what
What was happening.
Rodan: Hmm... guys!~Wait...what's wrong?~
Ichi: calm down~
Ni: we love you very much but~
Kevin: you never give us a chance~
Rodan was nervous he felt
  that he was dying, the pleasure that
  he felt being kissed on his body
put him in a situation something
Rodan: Hmm~ n..not me!  Ah~
He couldn't resist, he let out a moan.
Ichi played with his member
While Kevin and Ni kissed his chest.
Rodan looked but didn't care.
I suck the member
Ni up to the throat
she was starting to like him a lot
He even felt that they were touching his
  entry he knew what was coming
but he also knew that
brothers were too much
rude and strong.
So he took his penis out of her
mouth full of saliva.
Rodan: HEY, HEY wait!  They won't want to kill me!
You guys are too rude...
Ichi: close your mouth, it's good that you like it rough~
Rodan rolled his eyes with a bright blush.
Ni: Don't worry, the pleasure you will feel is what matters~ now start sucking me!
Nor put his penis back into Rodan's mouth.
Ichi spread Rodan's legs further, stepped back and as if it were nothing, he took his brother's member and his own, inserting them quickly.
Rodan continued to sucking Ni massive long dick
While ichi and Kevin thrust faster inside his womb
Rodans belly bulge
It was so big for him
Ichi: mm your so adorable rodan ~
Ni: ah~ he's mouth is so warm~
Kevin: mmm tight
Rodan: HMM!!!  HMMM~
Ni: OH YES, GO ON!!!  Keep going...hmmm...
Kevin: It's... delicious...
Ichi: I'm going crazy!
Rodan continued sucking and
sucked took the member
Ni and licked and played
  with the head of the penis
making young Ni moan too much.
Ni: ROLL!!!  HAHAHAHA hmmm~ I want to kill you!~ you suck too well~
Rodan: Hmm~ m-I love their cocks!~ they're big and long~~ they're... perfect!~~
Ichi: That's known darling~
Kevin: You love it~
Rodan: Yes~ if I love them they drive me crazy!~~
The brothers felt close to cumming Rodan
Eyes watered He's body was in heaven the brothers know this they started to thrust faster and deeper
Rodan:mhm~ mmm gh!
Ni: sss off close~!
Kevin: ah~ mmm cumming!
Ichi: mm~ yes!
Then they cum inside rodan
They pulled put
Clean the sheets
and rodan was already sleep
Then they cuddle him

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