14 🌋⚡️⚡️⚡️

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It started to rain Rodan put on his jacket and walked home in the dark until he saw something moving in a corner, the boy stopped, took out his phone to see better, he observed 3 small children hugging each other in search of warmth.
Rodan: Hello little ones~
Ichi: what do you want?
Ni: Don't worry brother, being a kid stealer...
Kevin: Oh...too bad...
Rodan looked tenderly at the little ones, took his jacket and wrapped them in it. At first the children were scared by the act but they remained calm..
When Rodan arrived home, the children were small and cute, they couldn't be easily distinguished by the dirt on their faces, so Rodan took them to the bathroom where he washed them very well, leaving them clean.
Ichi/Ni/Kevin: Wooow~
Rodan: Hehe, wait I'll go see if I have some clothes...
The little ones sat on the bed waiting for Rodan, they were happy to see that he came back.
Rodan: Sorry guys, that's all I have, you'll have to wear these shirts.
Ni: they are somewhat big...
Ichi: and wide...
Kevin: Are you sure you don't have something else?
Rodan: Hmm, maybe tomorrow we can go look for clothes in your sizes?  Yeah
Ichi: wait!
Ni: tomorrow?
Kevin: will you stay with us?!
Rodan looked at them with tenderness.
Rodan: Well obviously, why not?
The brothers looked at each other, starting to cry, they hugged Rodan, then they got dressed and settled in, hugging Rodan, falling asleep...
Rodan wake up
He doesn't saw the brother's
He looked around the house
Then he smells something sweet
He went to the kitchen
And saw the 3 brother's
Had make him breakfast
When they saw him
The jump on top of him
Ichi: morning rodan!
Ni: hello rodan!
Kevin: hi rodan!
Rodan: good morning to you to guys
The brothers hugged Rodan, the brunette hugged them back and kissed their cheeks, which Ichi and Kevin accepted with pleasure, except for Ni who moved away, somewhat annoyed.
Rodan: What's wrong Ni?
Kevin: Come on Ni, nothing will happen to you..
Ni refused, he sat in a corner with his arms crossed, Rodan smiled and approached Ni's cheek, where he kissed him on the forehead, cheek, and nose, making him blush too much.
Ni: AAAAAH!!!  Do not kiss me!!
Rodan: Aww Ni~ you are very cute my blonde!
The boy hugged Ni, giving him another kiss on the cheek, making him blush more.
They roll breakfast and take a bath and get ready.
The sun came out illuminating the room, the light collided with Rodan's face who was waking up little by little under Ichi's big and strong arms, he and his brothers had grown too much, becoming almost giants for Rodan's size.
The boy got up, he was surrounded by Ni and Kevin, they were sleeping peacefully without a shirt, only with shorts covering their private part.
Rodan: Hmm~ there... guys wake up...
Ichi: But it's Saturday...you don't have to go to work~
Rodan: Yes, but there are things to do at home...
The brothers turned around, covering their faces with the blanket.
Rodan sighed and left the room to clean up a bit and make breakfast.
Rodan was making breakfast
And cleaning
Ghidorah brothers gat up
And saw rodan
Rodan: morning sleepyhead
Kevin:good morning rodan *yawn*
Ichi: morning.....
They eat breakfast
They couldn't take their eyes from rodan
They loved him madly
Then the door rang
Rodan opens and saw he's friend
Which Ghidorah brothers hated him
Because he was soo close to their rodan
Rodan took his friend's hand
  taking him to the room where
  they were, which was very annoying
  to the brothers.
Ni: how daring!
Ichi: calm down Nor...we have to see...
Kevin: Umm...let's better see, don't you think?
Ichi nodded, they were carefully
They looked at the door where
  Rodan and the boy were there, they were
  laughing and playing, they disliked him.
Suddenly, they were both
  too close almost as if wanting
Ghidorah brothers gat mad when they saw this
Ridan was confused that why he's friend was close to he's face
Rodan: um....dude your to close
Rodan gat up
He then saw the Ghidorah brothers
He smiled
When he saw them mad
Rodan: guys?...are you alright?
They ignored him, they just left irritated, which worried Rodan, who sighed a little tiredly.
Friend: hey.. is everything okay?..
Rodan: I don't know... I've never seen them like that before...
Friends: you are like their father, you should be ruder to them...
Rodan: What?  Of course not...I can't be like that with them...after so long...
Friend: but...and if one day you have..."a partner" they won't be able to behave like that...
Rodan looked at the boy somewhat annoyed, since he was touching his neck inappropriately.
Rodan: wax you better go..
Friend: Oh...okay...
Rodan directed the boy to the door while the brothers looked out, the friend approached Rodan's cheek, giving him a kiss.
That small act was the straw that broke the camel's back, the brothers left angrily, addressing Rodan's friend.
Ichi: Who do you think you are!?
Ni: To kiss Rodan?!
Rodan: Ghidorah please!
Friend: you little shits!
The friend left the house
Ghidorah eyes were
Red all three of them
Rodan eyes watered
Ichi: rodan!  Don't cry!
Ni: please please don't!
Kevin: Rodan w-
Rodan: is ok guys don't worry
He sad smiled at them with he's eyes full of sadness and tears
He went to he's room and sleep
Rodan fell asleep while the Ghidorah brothers looked at him with sadness and love, until they became angry looking at each other.
Ni: well?
Ichi: Don't worry brother, we'll think of something...
Kevin: Shall we think?!  I already have something in mind!
The older ones looked at the younger one somewhat surprised.
Ichi: Brother everything is fine-....oh...I see
Ni: you surprise me Kevin...
The brothers dressed and left the house with some things.
They spent the rest of the day following Rodan's friend until night without him noticing.
After a few hours Rodan woke up somewhat discouraged, he watched the brothers sleeping next to him almost naked, it was not surprising to Rodan.
He went out to the kitchen where to drink a cup of coffee
The brothers woke up, saw Rodan, and approached him.
Ichi hugged him from behind.
Rodan: Hmm~ hello guys..
Ichi: How do you feel?~
Ni: Are you okay?
Kevin: Did you sleep well?
Rodan: Don't worry guys, I'm fine... don't worry... now go get dressed...
Ghidorah brothers did as they were told
Rodan and them
Went to a shopping mall
Ichi: letd buy this  !
Ni: nah uh this!
Kevin: no this!
Rodan smile
Rodan sighed calmly, enjoying the moment with the brothers.
They rested for a moment on one of the benches in the square, until a girl approached them, she was pretty with a good body, she was a bit dark with long, curly hair.
Apparently she didn't want to talk to the brothers but to Rodan, she approached somewhat trembling and sat down next to her.
Girl: H..hello!
Rodan: Hmm...hello?
Girl: hmm... I wanted to ask you if you have a partner...
Rodan: Oh..hehe..well at the moment no-
Ichi took Rodan's arm without her being able to finish speaking, the three of them took him outside to the parking lot where there was no one.
Rodan: but what's happening?!
Ni: how are you going to ask?!
Ichi: that girl was too close!
Kevin: It's not good for you to approach them like that...
Rodan looked somewhat confused at the brothers, crossed his arms.
Rodan: and what does he have?  I'm not committed to anyone!
Rodan: sometimes is hard to understand you boys
You there should go finde a wife for yourself
With tgat rodan turned he's back
To them and walk over he's car
The brother's were kinda mad scared sad
They only want rodan nobody else
When rodan and the brothers were at home
Suddenly rodan sneeze
He was sick
Rodan rubbed his eyes tiredly.
The brothers turned to see the boy
He was pale and hot.
Ichi: how do you feel?
Ni: do you need something?
Kevin: Are you okay?
Rodan looked at the brothers with pain
he felt bad.
Rodan: e...I'm fine, although I think
  I caught a cold...
Rodan sighed tiredly, he went to the room.
where he sat on the bed rubbing the back of his neck
He settled down lying down
The brothers
Went to rodans room
Ichi: rodan...you need to take your clothes of your burning
Rodan: mmm....
They take he's clothes of
For the first time they saw he's body
The couldn't believe how small he is compared to them
The 3 pairs of eyes saw
carefully his body
He wasn't even the first to play, he put
  slowly his cold hand
(totally frozen) in Rodan's belly making him give him chills.
Rodan: Hmm!  Your hand is cold...
Ni: uff~ how hot you are in this part..
Kevin: let me see!
The youngest put his hand almost on Rodan's crotch and caressed his leg.
Rodan: ah! Stop
Rodan body shiver underneath them
They loved he's body so much
Rodan: can you stop hh~ this is wrong
Ghidorah brothers
Couldn't hold back anymore They were going to say how they feel from the time they were young
Rodan: guys!  Stop!
Ichi: Rodan...there is something that...
Rodan made a somewhat muffled moan.
Which was produced by Ni who caressed his member.
Ni: wow~ it's big for being small..
Rodan: hmm!~
Ichi: Rodan we love you..
Rodan: me too!  But stop touching me!
Ichi: No, no...not that kind of love!!
Rodan didn't say anything, he just watched the brothers smile tenderly.
Rodan shivered as
Kevin stuck Rodan's member
In his mouth tasting it, licking it
Drawing big and very sweet moans from Rodan.
Ni: Well~ if Kevin can do it too~
She didn't even get close to his chest, licking it.
Ichi blushed, approaching his mouth.
Rodan: Ah!~ wait~
Ichi: I always wanted to do this...
The older brother kisses gently
Colliding his tongue with Rodan's.
Rodan: Hmm!~
Ichi: Hmm...
Eyes was full of tears
It hurted
It was he's first time doing this
Duck he's dick happy he really wanted to make rodan happy
Ichi counting he's kiss with
Nu was sucking rodans breasts and bite it
Rodan already felt close to cumming
Rodan: mmhm ahh mmmm!
Rodan hugged Ichi by the neck, he couldn't contain himself.
He was too excited, Ichi did not waste this opportunity, kissing his neck and lip, saying beautiful things to Rodan, making him blush more and more, making love born, even a little, it was enough to make Rodan want to be with them.
Rodan squeezed his eyes shut, moaning with pleasure.
Ichi: come on...I know you want to do it~...just let yourself come~
Rodan: Hmm!~ A-AH!~
Without even another minute Rodan came making him splash Kevin a little.
Kevin: mh~ yummy
Ichi: good boy ~
Ni: now lets get started ~
Rodan: mhm ~
They gat Into
Kevin underneath rodan
Kevin and ichi taking he's ass
Ni he's little.mouth
When rodan saw their dicks he was scared
Rodan: it's....so.....big you guys will kill me
Ichi: Hmm, maybe~
Rodan: N...I don't think it's a good idea...
Ni: Calm down~ now suck!
Rodan: WAIT!  HMM-
He didn't even put his member in Rodan's mouth.
Putting in and taking out
Rodan was focused on Ichi
who rubbed his member together
  with Kevin until they were put in
shocking Rodan.
Ichi: AH!
Kevin: Tsk!  It's..Rodan relax!!!
Ichi: Yes...you have to relax to make it easier!!
Rodan eyes watered he suck Ni big dick
While Kevin and ichi thrust their massive dicks inside rodan little hole
Blood come out
He's small belly bulged by every thrust they made
Rodan: mhmmm~ mm hmmm!
Ichi: adorable and cute ~
Ni: your so small ~
Kevin: mm~ so warm
He almost didn't jump, putting his cock in Rodan's mouth, moving up and down.
Rodan: Hmm~
Ichi: come on...yes!~ this is...life~
Kevin: Oh Rodan~ you're tight..
Rodan: Bhuaw!
Rodan took Ni's member out of his mouth, letting him moan better and this time
Rodan was the one who voluntarily masturbated the member by licking it and sucking the tip.
Ni: Oh yeah~ good boy~ you caught the rhythm didn't you?~
Rodan: CAN YOU SHUT UP!?  Oh!~damn~..
Ichi: Hmm!~ Ah~
Kevin: UH!~~Rodan~
Rodan smiled sticking his tongue out enjoying the moment.
Rodan bit his lip.
  losing consciousness
  for the pleasure.
Rodan: Oh God~ I think I'm going to die~
Rodan did what I didn't ask him to do
Ichi and Kevin hurried the
  step while they nailed
deeply its members
Rodan cume
The brothers as well
They pulled out from todan
They smiled
They kiss he's body
Then they cuddle him

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