I Just Got Blackmailed By Reneé Rapp

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After just a few hours together, we actually finished the song. That was a shocker, especially considering how the morning went. I was so ready to pack my bags and head back home, thinking this wouldn't work out. But, looks like I was worrying for nothing. Honestly, I couldn't believe how quickly we nailed it.

And let me tell you, the song was a banger. Seriously, fucking amazing.

By the end of the day, we had a solid first version ready. It was good enough to show to Mike, hoping for his thumbs up. I wasn't really stressing about it though.

"So," I started, packing up my stuff. "Be here by 10AM. We'll play it for Mike, get his okay, and then wrap it up," I laid out tomorrow's plan, slipping into my coat. I glanced at her, looking for any sign she got the plan. Despite our surprisingly good teamwork, I couldn't forget our first wild encounter. So, yeah, I needed to be sure she was on the same page.

"-And get drunk," Reneé threw in, making me fight the urge to roll my eyes.

"Reneé, you have to show up tomorrow, or Mike won't—" I tried explaining again, more clearly this time, but she cut me off with a hand wave.

Did she just cut me off?

"I got it, I got it," She said. "Be here at 10, play the song, get the okay... blah, blah, blah." She sounded bored, but I didn't mind since she seemed to understand the plan. "Just saying, celebrating after isn't a bad idea," she added, trying to sound innocent.

"Tomorow's a Tuesday," I pointed out, but she didn't seem to care about celebrating mid-week. "I've got work at 8AM on Wednesday," I added, hoping she'd see my point.

"So?" Reneé frowned, then smirked. "Or I could invite Mike out, tell him how our first meet-up went,"

"Are you blackmailing me into partying with you?" I crossed my arms, half-amused, half-wary. Part of me thought she was joking. But knowing her unpredictability, she could very well be serious. That wouldn't be ideal. Mike needed to think everything was running smoothly.

"Maybe I'll ask him for drinks now," Reneé mused, heading for the door but keeping eye contact.

"Fine," I sighed, too tired to argue. "Fine."

"Great!" Reneé beamed. "Clubbing it is," she declared, grabbing her stuff.

"No, just drinks," I corrected her, but she just smiled and left the room.

"Renee!" I followed her out, stopping in the hallway. "I'm not hitting a club on a Tuesday!" I called out, but got no reply—just a judgemental look from someone passing by.

"Hey Janice," I offered a sheepish smile and wave, then headed back into the studio.

Seriously, what club is even open on a Tuesday?

On my way home, still feeling the surprises of the day, I stopped by to chat with Ethan, the security guard. He'd seen me earlier, all jittery and uncertain about what the day held.

"How'd it go?" Ethan asked, his curiosity shining in his eyes as he leaned against his desk, the monitors casting a soft light around him.

I took a moment to gather my thoughts. "Honestly, it went way different than I thought," I said with a small laugh. "The artist I got paired with... she's something else." I shook my head, still trying to make sense of Reneé's whirlwind energy.

Ethan raised an eyebrow, interested. "That bad?"

I hesitated, then shook my head. "Not bad, just... unique. I'm taking it as a challenge. If I can work with her, I can work with anyone," I said, feeling a bit more confident saying it out loud. "I think it'll be okay... I hope."

Ethan smiled back, encouraging. "You've got this."

Feeling a bit lighter, I agreed. "Thanks, Ethan. See you tomorrow."With a wave, I continued on my way home, Ethan's words giving me a glimmer of hope for what's to come.

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