The Strip Club PT.2

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Turns out that when the last time you did shots was in college, your tolerance is not really on point anymore.

"And I'm like really good at my job, y'know?" My words were more slurred than before, and my posture wasn't that great either anymore. "Only two years I've been working there...Two!" I make a number two with my fingers and practically shove them into Reneé's face. "And I already get to work solo with an artist," I say proudly. "You're that artist by the way," I explain drunkenly.

"I know," Reneé laughed, keeping her eyes on me. "You get drunk pretty easily huh?" She stated with a grin. We had been drinking exactly the same things for the past couple of hours, yet it seemed like Reneé was barely showing any signs of being on the other hand.

"I'm not drunk?" I protested and straightened my back to try to appear more confident, but I immediately slumped back down. "Okay, I might be a bit drunk," I chuckled. "Why aren't you drunk?" I asked with almost a whining tone.

"Guess I'm just not that old to be already getting drunk after a couple of shots and some drinks," she smirked.

"I'm one year older than you," I deadpanned. "Oh god, I turned into a lightweight," The realization settled in, and I buried my head in my hands in shame.

"Don't tell me I missed the part of your life where you weren't?" Reneé asked, intrigued. "Spill."

"Oh, I would've drank you under the table 3 years ago, you wouldn't have stood a chance, Rapp," I squinted my eyes at her as I spoke. "But you know-" I sighed overdramatically. "Last year of college I had to step up my study game a bit, so I left that part behind and apparently never picked it back up."

"Lame," Reneé simply answered. I tilted my head at her with a 'seriously?' expression. "What? Sorry for having great tits and correct opinions,"

"That doesn't even make sense," I laughed at her bold statement before grabbing the drink in front of me and trying to take a sip of it.

"So you don't think I have great tits?" She asked as if it was the most normal thing, and I almost choked on my drink because of it. I shot her a glare, but she just stared at me.

"No, c'mon, That's not what I meant," I replied once I could kind of breathe again after my near-death experience.

"So you do think I have great tits," She smirked enthusiastically.

"Renee!" I exclaimed and shot her big eyes.

"What?? I just want to know; do you, or do you, don't think I have great tits?" She kept persevering, and I couldn't help but smile as I rolled my eyes.

"There doesn't seem to be anything wrong with them," I said, trying to keep my answer somewhat professional. However, let's face it, staying strictly professional with Reneé was like trying to hold water in a sieve.

"Aha! You do think I have great tits," Reneé replied contently before getting up from her seat. "now If you'll excuse me, me and my great tits need to go pee," She said seriously before walking away with a chuckle. I just followed her with my eyes and a smile before watching her disappear behind the bathroom door.

"Can I get you anything else?" Jessica suddenly appeared beside me behind the bar again, catching me off guard.

"I think I'll just get a water this time," I said with a smile, attempting to sober up a bit.

"Tactical choice," Jessica laughed before fetching it for me. "You two seem to be having fun," she observed as she placed the water in front of me.

"Yeah, we are," I replied with a smile, surprised at how much I agreed with her statement. "Couldn't stand her when we first met though," I chuckled at the memory, which felt like it happened ages ago, though it was only a day.

Dissonant Harmonies (Reneé Rapp x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now