Always Late

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Two weeks had passed since Reneé covered for me with Mike. At the end of that day, I figured one way to repay her was to have a drink together. Thankfully, it was a more peaceful outing this time, and it didn't end with my head in a trash can. It was refreshing to truly enjoy myself without any hangover-induced regrets.

The next day, Reneé showed up at the studio without needing to be there. However, she encountered a vending machine mishap, and I came to her rescue, showing her the trick to retrieve her money. Of course, I jokingly demanded a drink from the vending machine as payment for my assistance, but Reneé countered by reminding me of the food I owed her from our strip bar adventure. We compromised and decided to get both.

This pattern continued over the next few days, unintentionally becoming a little ritual for us to grab drinks together or have dinner after work. I found myself enjoying this newfound routine—it was a welcome break from the constant grind of work. With Reneé around, it felt effortless to unwind and share a good laugh. Maybe it was because she seemed to have an endless supply of conversation topics? 

Seriously, the girl changed topics faster than a flashing light, and I found it both amusing and impressive.

Finally, my work on the song was done, and the final version of "Poison Poison" was ready. Reneé had already generated buzz for the song by leaking part of it on her TikTok—a move she hadn't discussed with anyone. Despite the headache it caused, we managed to pull everything together just in time for the release party. Reneé had become a good friend, but she could be a handful to work with, especially when she pulled stunts like this. Yet, Mike seemed to have an inexplicable soft spot for her, barely batting an eye when he heard about her leaking her own song.

As we prepared for the release party, Reneé fretted over her outfit choices, while I scrolled absentmindedly through my phone.

"I don't know what to wear," Reneé whined, scanning her closet with a furrowed brow.

"Well, you better figure it out fast," I replied, not bothering to look up from my phone, my fingers swiping aimlessly.

"You're so helpful," Reneé retorted sarcastically, shooting me a playful glare as she tossed another rejected outfit onto her bed.

"You could've had a stylist if you hadn't leaked your song," I teased, finally glancing up at her with a smirk.

"No regrets though," Reneé declared defiantly, flashing a rock and roll sign before returning her attention to her closet.

"Hey," Reneé interrupted my phone-scrolling session, snatching my phone from my grasp. "Help me, and you'll get it back," she bargained, holding my phone hostage with a mischievous glint in her eyes.

"Fine," I relented with a sigh, and joined her in her wardrobe crisis.

We rummaged through her clothes, tossing options back and forth, but each suggestion seemed to fall short of Reneé's expectations. My frustration grew as her indecision dragged on.

"Reneé. It's literally your dress," I deadpanned, holding up a garment that she had previously rejected.

She shot me a dismissive shrug. "Doesn't mean I have to like it," she quipped, tossing the dress back into the closet with a huff.

Undeterred, I continued searching until I found a long, shiny black raincoat buried amidst the chaos of her wardrobe. "What about this?" I proposed, holding it up for her inspection.

Reneé's eyes lit up with interest as she took the coat from my hands, examining it closely. "I'm all for the cliché of standing naked in a raincoat," she joked, a mischievous smirk playing on her lips, "but do you really think my release party is the place for that?"

I rolled my eyes at her playful banter. "You'll be wearing something under it, idiot," I retorted, tossing the jacket onto her bed with a playful smirk.

"If that's what you want," Reneé replied innocently, before her expression shifted to one of excitement. "I GOT IT! I know exactly what I'm going to wear!" she exclaimed, practically bouncing me aside with her enthusiasm.

I barely had time to register what she had grabbed before she vanished into the bathroom, her movements swift and purposeful. The click of the door locking behind her punctuated the sudden silence that settled in the room, leaving me alone with my thoughts and the faint sound of her presence behind the door.

While she got herself ready, so we could leave in the next 10-15 minutes, I managed to locate my phone. Fingers tapping hurriedly on the screen, I navigated to my messages and discovered two missed messages from Mike, our manager.

Mike: Have you seen Renee? The first guests have already arrived, and she should go talk with them. Network.

Mike: Also, where are you?

"Renee! Hurry up!" I called out, my voice cutting through the silence as I quickly typed out a response to Mike.

"I'M ALMOST THERE! SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Her response echoed through the house, laced with a hint of aggression that I couldn't help but find amusing.
Finally, the door of the bathroom clicked open. "Okay, let's—" I began, but my words faltered as I looked up from my phone and laid eyes on Reneé standing before me. In that moment, time seemed to slow down, the air crackling with a palpable tension that hung between us.

She stood there, a vision of confidence and allure, the black raincoat draped over her figure.  Underneath, she wore a lace corset that hugged her curves, paired with sleek black trousers and pinpoint black heels. 

"What?" Reneé asked, her voice breaking the silence as she glanced at her reflection in the mirror beside her. "Come on, Y/n, what is it? Is there something wrong with it?" Her eyes met mine, searching for reassurance.

"No, that's not—" I managed to regain my composure, shaking my head slightly as I tore my gaze away from her to avoid getting even more lost in her captivating stare. "You look amazing," I assured her. 

"Oh," she sighed softly, a gentle smile forming on her lips. "Good," she chuckled, though the laughter quickly faded as our eyes met again. We stood there in silence, the tension growing with each passing moment. Then, to my surprise, Reneé began to approach me slowly, her gaze fixed on mine as she maneuvered around her bed as if guided by some unseen force. But just as she was about to reach me, she halted, a few steps away. And I released a breath I hadn't realized I was holding. I wasn't sure what was happening, but I found myself oddly drawn to it. I sensed she wanted to say something, but before she could, the loud ringing of my phone shattered the moment. I quickly reached for it, struggling to answer the call. But It was Mike, so I had to. As I fumbled with the device, my heart still racing from the unexpected moment, I couldn't shake the feeling of anticipation that lingered between us, even as I spoke with Mike.

"Almost there! Bad reception!" I blurted out, not being able to even focus properly on his voice and I ended the call abruptly, my heart pounding in my chest.

"Smooth," Reneé commented, a playful smirk dancing on her lips, but I didn't even have a moment to respond to it. We were already running late. Without further ado, I hurried over to her, my hand instinctively reaching out to grasp hers as I practically dragged her towards the door.

As we stepped outside, the cool evening air hit us, a welcome relief from the tension that had been building up inside. 

Let's just hope that today's release party will be busy enough to keep me occupied, Maybe then, I won't have time to think about what the hell just happened.

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