A Whole Lotta Embarrassment

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The incessant buzzing of my phone rudely jolted me out of my sweet slumber. With a groan, I blindly reached around the couch, my fingers desperately seeking the source of the disturbance. Finally seizing the device, I grunted out a gruff, "What?!" into the receiver, my voice still hoarse from the events of the previous day.

"Y/n?" came Mike's puzzled voice from the other end, instantly jolting me awake.

"Mike! Hey... uh, what's up?" I scrambled to sit up, rubbing my pounding head in embarrassment.

"What do you mean 'what's up'? Where are you?" His tone had turned stern, sending a shiver of panic down my spine as I glanced at the clock on my coffee table, realizing it was already 11 AM.

"Crap," I cursed under my breath. "I'm so sorry, I must've slept through my alarm," I rushed to apologize, realizing I hadn't even set one in my drunken stupor.

There was a heavy silence before Mike let out a sigh. "Just, get here asap, okay?"

"I will," I promised before he hung up, leaving me to scramble to get ready, my head throbbing with every move.

Despite feeling like I'd been hit by a truck the night before, I managed to drag myself out of the house in record time, ordering an Uber as soon as I was semi-presentable. Thankfully, it arrived just as I was stepping outside.

As I settled into the backseat, fragments of the previous night's escapades flashed through my mind, from the awkward tension with Reneé to the moments of genuine fun we'd shared. But then, like a bucket of cold water over my head, the memory of my unfortunate bout of vomiting crashed over me, leaving me mortified.

"Oh god," I muttered, burying my face in my hands, trying to block out the embarrassment of the previous night's events. How did things spiral out of control like this?


After a rough morning and a less-than-pleasant ride to the studio, I finally arrived, feeling like a train wreck. Fortunately, I managed to avoid running into anyone on my way in—I probably also still looked like a train wreck.

Without wasting any time, I dove straight into working on the final version of the song we'd been laboring over. Sitting in front of the computer, I couldn't shake off the pounding headache or the lingering nausea. But I pushed through, determined to catch up on lost time.

About thirty minutes later, just as I was starting to find my rhythm, Reneé strolled in, a mischievous grin on her face. She took one look at me and burst into laughter, clearly finding amusement in my disheveled state.

"Look who we have here," she teased, her laughter echoing through the studio.

I shot her a glare, not in the mood for her playful banter.

But Reneé seemed unfazed by my grumpiness. "That big of a hangover, huh?" she remarked, raising an eyebrow in mock sympathy.

I rolled my eyes, definitely not in the mood to discuss the events of last night. "Can you just please let me focus for a minute?" I sighed, hoping to steer the conversation away from my less-than-ideal condition.

Reneé shrugged, seemingly unbothered by my request. "Sure thing," she replied with a playful wink, plopping down on the couch in her usual fashion. Despite my irritation, I couldn't help but crack a smile at her antics.

"You know, you didn't have to come in today, right? This is the part of the process that I handle solo," I remarked, my eyes glued to the computer screen.

"I know," Reneé simply replied. "I just wanted to see how you were doing," she added, causing me to pause momentarily in my work.

"I'm fine," I replied curtly.

Dissonant Harmonies (Reneé Rapp x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now