𝐢𝐢 | Failed Musician

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Driving down the dirt path they could see the silhouette of a house off into the distance standing there waiting for them between the few trees that accompanied it.

The two at the back of the car were stuck in place as they were being forced to not move with the feeling of numbness taking over their legs as Nanook had placed himself spread out over them, head leant up against Sam's leg while Rosalyn was left with the back of the dog whose tail would hit her when Sam interacted with him in the slightest way possible.

Anyone could see that Nanook had claimed Sam as his favourite, but it didn't mean that the dog disliked Rosalyn actually quite the opposite as he always seemed to be sneaking into Michael's room late at night when she'd stay over. So, she was basically the next best thing for Nanook as he would normally throw himself at the poor girl and would result in her nearly ending up on the floor when he greeted her.

Sam would be laughing his head off if she fell on the floor which she had a couple of times often enough ending up with the boy being told off by Lucy.
As the car parked itself in front of the house that gazed down on the visitors watching through the wooden walls that stood tall, Michael arrived on his bike a few seconds later getting the same greeting.

Out of the car and met with the breeze clean of the ocean's contamination stood the three kids with Lucy. The dog barked while the unfamiliar statues stood planted in the ground guarding the house as they trod further.

Eyes caught onto something as there on the patio laid a pair of shoes attached to a body that by the looks of it was passed out against the rough wood.

“Rozzie.” Sam called out concerned as she stayed next to him waiting for Lucy to take a closer look.

“I know Sam. I see it too.”

Brushing shoulders with Sam Lucy walked past and not long behind followed Michael and finally they reached to where the body laid.

“Dad?” She called once but no reply.



“Looks like he's dead.” Michael commented earning him a elbow in the side from Rosalyn, he let out a gasp at the sudden action.

“No he's just a deep sleeper.”

Rosalyn thought even for an unusual man it was still quite weird to sleep like that on the floor in broad daylight especially when expecting visitors.

She had met the man many times and had always gotten along with him as if he were her own grandfather.

“If he's dead can we go back to Phoenix?” Sam suggested not taking any acknowledgement at how insensitive it would come off as.

Rosalyn shot her gaze to the blonde haired boy before slapping him gently across the top of his head, despite what he said she didn't hit him that hard.

Lucy looked at her son with a warning gaze.

“Playing dead and from what I heard doing a damn good job at it too.”

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𝐑𝐄𝐁𝐄𝐋 𝐘𝐄𝐋𝐋, the lost boysWhere stories live. Discover now