𝐢𝐢𝐢 | Sands Of Time

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The sun had gone down with traces of colours that painted the sky an orange mixed in with a pink that softened its glow across the canvas of deep dark blue.

It had left that side of the planet leaving it in hours of darkness accompanied by the moon's presence and by the evil that lies in the hearts of people finally letting it free behind the curtain of light.

Voices and music were audible from a mile away as it hung in the wind whispering and enticing those close enough, the family out in the streets could hear it calling however that was not the case for the mother.

Lucy was out on the search for a job while the three went along with her wanting to explore what Santa Carla had to offer, Sam was awestruck and curious about the people, the shops and the concert that was going on, Michael was unreadable his lips were curled into a smile but his eyes said nothing not letting a slither of evidence of what he was feeling escape, Rosalyn was a mixture of both.

The soft breeze that brushed against her cheeks and through her hair was pleasantly welcomed by the girl as it was her escape from the slight heat in the air, the once cold metal of her necklace that hung around her neck had turned warm from her body's heat along with the dresses top half that wrapped around her sticking to her skin as the thin straps travelled up her shoulders meeting the soft purple material at the back.

The necklace she had was one her mother had gifted her. It had a small red rose clasped around the silver chain almost matching the girl's hair and lips.

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Surrounded by people of all ages on the beach all watching and cheering for the same thing as a man on the stage in front of them was dancing with a saxophone, his clothing was rather strange as it was a leather looking pair of underwear that had multicoloured leggings that layered themselves under the chains attached that swayed as he moved along to the rhythm the rest of the band was helping play.

Fire was burning on the stage in waves of orange and yellow while lights danced around almost like the people did, crazed and engaged. People clapped involved with the sound of the music becoming one with the way it enchanted them, making them all become connected in a sway.

Sam watched joyfully as he shared looks with the other two who returned a copy of his expression, Rosalyn joined the boy in watching the performance while Michael spotted something or more like someone dancing gracefully through the crowd with her hair bouncing behind her.

She looked as if an angel dressed in all white with an intoxicating smile that plastered itself into Michael's brain also taking up the place in his mind that he'd remember it as the most beautiful thing he had ever seen, he knew that his thoughts were stupid but he'd claimed it his medicine his elixir for a healthy and full life.

His eyes were glued onto her as she danced fully embracing whatever it had to give her in that moment amongst all that crowded her she shone with an ethereal white light surrounding her as if holy.

What a contrast to the girl that stood next to him. . .

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"Sam, Michael I'm gonna go look for Lucy, okay?" Rosalyn told the boys, one was focused the other was lost gazing at something in another direction.

"Sam look after him; he has a very punchable face." She joked before heading off in the direction that wasn't covered in swarms of people. Colliding with a few shoulders on the way out caused impolite words to be directed at her which she just shrugged off not bothered by what they said.

Not many wandered the street as it seemed the concert had everyone caught up, she looked through the windows of the shops she passed many were painted in vibrant colours with just as vibrant lights but no matter how much she looked she still saw no sign of Lucy.

The more she gazed out on the beach the more she wanted to feel the sand between her fingers and so she walked down the stairs that led to it and took a seat watching the waves crash against the grains of sand pulling them back and forth in a tug of war.

She remembered a time when the beach was one of her favourite things. She loved swimming and loved the sun with her whole heart but now she thinks as she looks back it wasn't what she was doing, it was who she was with as she swam with her mother and sunbathed in the sun while she giggled with the woman whose smile only grew.

Now all that's gone as if grains of sand slipping through her finger tips leaving a tough feeling where a once warm one was.

All alone out on the sand with the sounds of the sea made her realise just how much she missed her mother and in that moment she knew that never again would she be blessed by her presence or her laugh or grip of her hand around Rosalyn's one.

She wasn't dead, no, just dead to the girl who had never felt so alone.


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[A/N]: I promise I will introduce the four next chapter I just wanted Rosalyn to have one when she's kind of in her feelings also if you're wondering what happened with the mother it's that she said for her to go with Lucy and to never contact her again because she think's it's worst for Rosalyn to know her than not. . . and if you're wondering why would I spoil that I'm not really cause this is mainly from Rosalyn's point of view so she doesn't know that and so neither do you.

Also my minions I would just like to let you know that I have quite a few ideas for future books and so I've made a book with all my ideas so if you like this and would want to read something else by me go check it out and tell me if you'd be interested in any of them.

I have no fucking idea how I was able to crap this chapter from between my thoughts (literally makes no sense).

Okay I don't know if that makes sense but byeeeeee.


[I literally just spent two hours revising poems and a sucky ass play while on the phone to my best friend who I believe thinks I'm possessed

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[I literally just spent two hours revising poems and a sucky ass play while on the phone to my best friend who I believe thinks I'm possessed. . . That's a win.]

𝐑𝐄𝐁𝐄𝐋 𝐘𝐄𝐋𝐋, the lost boysWhere stories live. Discover now