Chapter 9 - Cat Out The Bag Part One

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I'm so sorry. I updated on my phone, it didn't work and I didn't know.

I knew, as soon as I got home, I was going to be in trouble. I stayed out late tonight, well not that late it was only 11 o' clock at night...

I'm totally going to die.

My mom told me to be home earlier but I was highly upset, turned on and frustrated about what happened. Not only did I let it happen, but I liked it. And probably would have went farther, if my straight guy brain scene had not kicked in when they did. Because It felt so good that I couldn't stop and I c-............

I was mad. Mad at him for doing it. Mad at me for not stopping sooner, mad at my classmates because they all left, and mad at my teacher for holding me back in the first place. I should've kneed him too so they both can't have kids.

 I didn't even know what to do. Be happy that I had my first orgasm was from someone, or be sad that it was from a guy.

I took a long trip through the park, thinking. Thinking about life and how I thought my future would be. I thought about pretty much everything. I always thought I'd grow up and be like, I don't know some type of worker. Marry my college love because the girls at my school are... just no.Have three kids in a two story house and a dog that tears up everything. Die old after seeing some grandkids, refusing the name grandpa, because that would be analogizing myself getting old.

Did I really want that type of life? It's not bad it's simple and sweet. I just never saw it any different or questioned it before. I mean why would I? There is no problem with that type of life. But is it what I wanted?

Then it was the matter of the guy. Was I gay? I also never thought I was seeing as I only looked at girls that way. But I never really took a strong liking towards a girl or anyone. Now don't get me wrong, I had a strong desire towards girls. And I had many chances to hook up due to my good looks. But like I said, I can't do that to someone I'm not attracted to on a personal level. Flashes of what just happened a few hours ago went though my head.

That idea just learned what garbage smells like since it got thrown in the trash.

But I know for a fact I would have killed any guy that came anywhere close to me like he did. Like I would have bashed their head in the wall and turned on the cold water. Maybe a cold shower would help him. But not only did he come close, but he touched me and I didn't stop when I could but when I freaked out.

Was I gay? Or just gay for him?

I groaned and dragged a hand through my hair as I unlocked the door. I knew I should have seen something coming. The lights were out and my mother wasn't patrolling the yard to kill me.  So when I walked though the door, I should  have known something was coming but I didn't. 

Maybe it was the thoughts coming through my head or the fact that it wasn't even on my mind. Maybe because my mind and body were in too different places. Whatever the reason, I wasn't ready.

So when I a bucket filled with honey was dumped on my head, I all but stayed calm. I jumped back hitting my head on the half of the door.

My mother and her pranks.

I rubbed the honey out of my eyes with the honey on my hand to stay, it didn't work.

I groaned. "Mom, I'm sorry but really this fa-"  

"You're talking to the wrong woman, kitten." A much sweeter voice said. "Your talking to the queen of pranks."

I looked, though it was yellow tinted, to see three figures.  Mom, Dad, and Aunt Lily.

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