Unleashed Anger

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My anger, I canont contain,
A storm that rages, a roaring flame,
The fury that burns deep inside,
A tempest brewing, that canont hide.

I cleanch my fists, I grit my teeth,
My rage, like a volcano, threatens to unleash.
The anger that boils, the fire that ignites,
A force that I can't hold down, it fights.

My mind's a mess, my heart in shreds,
All rational thought, long since fled.
Blinided by rage, I lash out in anger,
An explosin of emotions, I can't damper

The words that spill, venomous and sharp,
My anger like a sword, cuts through the dark.
I push away those that I hold dear,
As my anger concums, full of fear.

But then it fades, the rage subsides,
Leaving behind a wreckage, where love once

I lash out in anger, with no reason why,
When all I want is to scream, to vent and cry.

With the unleashed anger I had
comsumed inside.

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