Chapter I

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This morning had been tiring, As Marcia hungout with Cherry and the guys most of the time. The boys were always cocky and annoying, sometimes even sexist.

But, Marcia finally had time to herself. This was the time that Two-Bit would usually call her as she waited by the phone.
Hes probably just doing...boys stuff. No one knows what boys do to be honest.

Marcia then realises soon then, Had Two-Bit thrown out her number?...

She sighed in sadness at this realisation. He had definitely thrown it out! She was furious and sad at this. She had a slight crush on Two-Bit too..maybe more than a slight crush really..

Marcia then decides, tomorrow shes gonna search for Two-Bit and ask him why he threw her number away.


Marcia wakes up in the morning, does her daily routine as usual, she then goes to find her bestfriend Cherry and tell her about what happened with Two-Bit.

She walks to her meeting spot with Cherry in the park(yes. That park. Ik its greaser territory but still😍) and spots Cherry sitting on the bench.

Marcia smiles and walks over to Cherry, sitting next to her.
" hey, Cherry. "
Cherry looks up, hearing Marcia's soft voice.
" Hi, how'd it go on the call with that two...greaser guy? "
Marcia chuckles a little at Cherry's forgetfulness of names.
" He threw out my number, so maybe we could find Ponyboy or something..? To get ahold of Two-Bit?"
Cherry looks shocked and mad at what Marcia just spoke.
" He threw out your number?! That jerk! "
Cherry was furious, she didn't think anyone would do this to Marcia.
" Calm down Cherry, its okay. He probably just forgot or something. But we can go find Ponyboy and figure this all out? "
Marcia bargains with Cherry so she wont hurt the poor greaser.
" Alright. We can go find that horseboy and that two-jerk.. "
Cherry was really pissed at Two-Bit for this..
" Alright then. Lets go knock on Ponyboys door then? "
Marcia suggests, getting up from the bench.
" right. "
Cherry nods, getting up with Marcia and walking out of the park and towards the street the Curtis' live on.

" So...uh do you have any idea why Two-grease would've thrown away your number? Has he been mad at you or annoyed at you recently? "
Cherry asks, wanting to help Marcia with this situation without violence.
", but maybe that one time i didn't let him buy me a drink at the drive in?"
Marcia sighs in guilt as she says that. Cherry stops for a second and looks over at Marcia.
" its not you're fault. You just didn't want him to spend his money on you right? "
Cherry tries to understand the situation with Marcia more. Then Marcia nods.
" Then lets go knock on the door, we can ask horseboy everything. "
Marcia nods once more, noticing they're on the curtis' street already. She walks up to their houses fences and walks up onto the porch before knocking softly on the hollow wood.

the handle on the door twists, and opens..revealing—

CLIFFHANGER, SORRY. But im busy as hell rn and wanted to finish this quickly. More will be posted tomorrow after school ☺️...

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