The True history of the Valkyrur

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The Valkyrur, the great saviors of the earth that put an end to the Darcsen Calamity, Right? Wrong! History has shown them to be not saviors but rather conquerors. The Valkyrur, with their incredible power, were no heroes, they were oppressors, wielding their might to subjugate those they deemed lesser. The Darcsen Calamity was not ended by their benevolence, but rather by their desire for dominion. As their empire expanded, so too did their tyranny, crushing any who dared to oppose them. In era of the Bronze Age Collapse, 1200BC when Ancient empires and civilizations like the Hittites, Egyptians, and Mycenaeans were still prominent, the Valkyrur rose to prominence. Harnessing their natural powers connected to the Element, Ragnite, they began forging a great empire that spanned continents From the Straits of Gibraltar to the plains of Mesopotamia. In fact, it is believed by Eurasian and American Archeologists and Historians that the Valkyrur were the Sea peoples mentioned in ancient texts, the mysterious force that swept across the Mediterranean and caused the collapse of several civilizations during the Late Bronze Age. 

Their mastery over Ragnite allowed them to command devastating forces in battle, overwhelming even the most advanced armies of the time. In Northern Europa, they conquered the Native Darcsen populations and then sent Warriors south, conquering the peoples of Gaul, Iberia, Ancient Italia before crossing the Balkans and reaching the greatest western Bronze age civilization, the Mycenaeans. The Mycenaean cities surrendered to their might, having heard of their destructive conquest but another empire, to the east refused to yield so easily. The Hittite Empire, known for its formidable army and strategic prowess, stood as a bulwark against the Valkyrur expansion. Led by their valiant king, Suppiluliuma II, the Hittites prepared for the inevitable clash with the Valkyrur forces. But the Hittites were divided and soon, their empire was shattered, their king fallen, and their lands ravaged by the unstoppable might of the Valkyrur. With the Hittites defeated, nothing seemed to stand in the way of the Valkyrur's conquest of the known world as Babylon and the Phoenician cities fell. But one power did, the ancient land of Egypt. This land of pharaohs and pyramids, steeped in mysticism and ancient knowledge, was not so easily conquered. The Valkyrur approached the Nile Delta with their armies, confident in their superiority. However, they underestimated the resolve of the Egyptian people and the strategic brilliance of their leaders.

The Pharaoh, Ramses III, rallied an army numbering in the tens of thousands, drawn from all corners of Egypt. Among them were skilled charioteers, elite infantry, and trained archers. Soon, even the Egyptian Gods fell upon the invaders, their wrath manifesting in the form of natural and supernatural disasters. The Valkyrur, arrogant in their belief of invincibility, marched confidently towards the Nile Delta, their ranks bolstered by the conquered peoples of distant lands. But as they crossed the borders into Egypt, they were met not only by mortal soldiers but by the divine wrath of the Egyptian pantheon itself. 

 The skies darkened as Ra, the sun god, removed his presence and therefore, blotted out the sun and plunged Egypt into darkness. the Valkyrur found themselves disoriented and vulnerable, their vision useless in the dark. Soon, Anubis, the jackal-headed god of death, prowled the Valkyrur's midst as Sekhmet the Destroyer, unleashed disease upon the Valkyrur ranks, spreading pestilence and plague with her every breath. The once-confident invaders now found themselves beset by unseen enemies, their bodies weakened by illness and their spirits shaken by fear. But it was not just the physical toll of disease that the Valkyrur faced. 

As the darkness retreated and Ra returned, things seemed well but then Hapi, the god of the Nile, unleashed his fury upon the Valkyrur. The great river itself rose up in wrath, its waters swelling to unprecedented heights and inundating the invading forces. Torrents of water crashed down upon the Valkyrur ranks, sweeping away soldiers and war machines alike in a relentless tide of destruction. Soon, Thoth came to Pharoah Ramses III and told him that his enemies lay weakened, that the Gods were on the side of Egypt, and victory was within reach if they struck now with precision and determination.

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