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Taylah Wilson walked into the doors of Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital for the first time since giving birth to her second daughter two months ago.

Before Taylah went into labour, she found out that her dead sister wasn't actually dead and had planned on going to confront her but as she got to the hospital her waters broke.

She has only saw one person that worked in that hospital that day and that was Dr. Arizona Robbins, who delivered Taylah's baby, Stassie.

She doesn't know why but she got a job at Grey Sloan, partially due to Richard Webber. He wanted Taylah to become the Chief of Surgery but having done that job once at a different hospital, she didn't want to do it again, mainly because she's a mom of two now but also because her life is currently a mess.

Because Taylah's life is a mess, she asked Webber if she could do a trial run for one day sos he could decide if she actually wanted to work at Grey Sloan.

There is only one thing that would stop Taylah from working there and that is if Jo. If Jo doesn't want anything to do with Taylah anymore then she'd leave. If Jo and Taylah any issues after Taylah confronts her then she'd leave.

It's not like she has to stay in Seattle. She has her own hospital in Malibu, California so she could just go back there but she'd rather be with her sister even though she is angry at her right now.

Though she did think that one of the reasons Webber wanted to hire her was because she specialises in almost every field. General, ortho, peads, cardio, fetal, ob-gyn, neonatal and neuro.

Taylah bounce her eldest daughter, Gracie on her hip whilst she pushed Stassie over to the nurses station where she saw Arizona.

"Robbins! Finally someone who can help me." Taylah sighed in relief, walking over to Arizona.

"Ah, Wilson. You're back?" Arizona asked with a grin.

"Yes-No- maybe, i don't know." Taylah shrugged. "I got Webber to agree on letting me have a trial day before i take him up on his offer."

"That's amazing. When do you start?" Arizona asked.

"Twenty minutes ago. You know some nurse called me Taylor instead of Taylah and i had to break it down to her that it's pronounced as Ty-Lah."

"I mean, i see where she's coming from." Arizona shrugged.

"Seriously? You know what, that doesn't matter. Where can i put my kids?" Taylah asked, gesturing to the two year old on her hip and the two month old in the stroller.

"We have a daycare, i could take you, if you'd like." Arizona offered.

"That would be great, thanks." Taylah smiled.

"Mind if i..." Arizona gestured to the stroller.

"Uh, no, go ahead." Taylah said. Arizona pushed the stroller as the two women walked down the hall.

"How is Stassie?" Arizona asked.

"She's great. Compared to what it was like when Gracie was born, it's going good." Taylah said. "Well, considering i was running my own hospital, chief of surgery, head of three departments and looking after a new born, i'd say this time round is a breeze."

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