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Taylah stood at the nurses station when she felt a tap on her shoulder. Taylah huffed before turning around to be met with a really happy Jo and a confused Stephanie.

"Steph this is Taylah, my sister. Taylah, this is Stephanie, my best friend." Jo introduced them.

"Finally! I get to meet the woman that Jo doesn't stop talking about." Stephanie grinned.

"She- You, uh, talk about me?" Taylah asked, heat rising up her cheeks.

"Of course i do. You're my baby sister." Jo said.

"It doesn't feel like it." Taylah said under her breath.

"It was nice meeting you Stephanie but i should go, i... might see you around." She said before walking away.

"Oh, what did you do?" Stephanie asked, watching Taylah walk down the hall.

"What makes you think i did something?" Jo asked.

"Did you see the look on her face?" Stephanie asked rhetorically.

"Fine. I, uh, left her. It's complicated, but she doesn't hate me but she doesn't not hate me." Jo said.

"Damn. You messed up and you need to fix it. Good luck with that." Stephanie said.


Taylah walked into the conference room where most of the attending are gathered for Baileys surprise breakfast.

"Taylah! Over here." Callie waved her over.

Taylah walked over and stood next to her, Maggie and Amelia.

"Hey." Taylah greeted them.

"You're working here full time?" Callie asked.

"Uh, yes." Taylah nodded.

"This is Maggie Pierce, head of cardio and Amelia-" Callie started.

"-Shepherd, head of neuro. Yeah, we've met... briefly." Taylah said.

"Okay... Pierce this is Taylah Wilson." Callie introduced her.

"Ah, you're the surgeon that Meredith couldn't stop talking about." Maggie said with a smile.

"Bailey's going to freak." Amelia said with a wide smile before Taylah could register what Maggie said.

"Why?" Taylah asked.

"She worships the ground off you." Amelia said like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

Taylah just smiled awkwardly as Arizona walked over.

"So, i looked it up, and Bailey's the first." Arizona said.

"First what?" Amelia asked.

"First female chief of surgery of this hospital. Before that, all men." Arizona informed.

"I say it's about time." Jackson said.

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