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Okayyyy So cuz why not I'll be adding Memes of both Blue Exorcist and Jujutsu Kaisen here cuz why not?
Also, I'm changing a few things from the Anime and "A Place To Belong" for this story so yea. Why the fuck not? Enjoy!


Normally, a casual day would be a little something like... Y'know having a good day, doing your daily things and whatnot. But for a certain someone? Their definition of a casual day was something like that, now it has changed.

His definition of a casual day is to wake up to an overly bossy brother. Make breakfast, get dressed, go through his regular classes and finally, go through the class his brother taught, and get verbally abused (Sometimes Physically too, but not that often, just the normal shoulder check here and there) by his own classmates.

Thank God classes were done, all his classes. His normal daily school, cram school, and Shura's teachings on how to control his demonic flames.

Rin Okumura looked at the setting sky, the light Orange is both pleasing and gentle on the eyes. Despite his awful situation, he still sees the beauty in many other things. Rin sighed, not knowing if he should just take a walk around town that he basically memorized like the back of his hand, or just go back to the dorms and sleep.

"Fuck it..." Rin muttered as he decided to take a small walk around town.

Everything was basically closing down for the night so not many things were open. Which was fine.

Rin wanted to be alone for right now anyways.

A sound of a child crying was heard, and Rin turned his head and saw two children there, one blonde and one a red-head. Both were young girls, probably about 6 or 7.

"A-are you okay?!" Asked the Red-head.

Looking at the blonde girl, she looked to have tripped and scraped her knee. Rin adjusted the backpack he wore, and sighed, he walked over and kneeled down.

"Are you hurt little one?" Rin asked, putting on the most gentle and caring voice he could despite the shitty day he had.

Both girls looked at him, and he saw the bloody knee.

"Ah, that's a mean one, want me to patch it up for you?" Rin asked.

The girl nodded "It hurts" She slightly cried out.

Rin nodded and took his backpack off, taking out his first aid. Ever since his entire cram classmates found out about Rin being a demon, much less Satan's son, he's been pushed to the side, and half the time was attacked by Bon with punches and kicks. Rin had started to carry a first aid on his person since, knowing Yukio wouldn't want to patch up his wounds anymore like they did before Shiro died.

Rin opened the first aid and slowly, began wiping the blood from her knee. The blonde girl held the Red haired girls hand from the sting, but she was doing a good job at not moving her leg. Rin smiled at her.

"You're a toughie, most people would start crying" Rin said, thinking on boosting this small girls confidence.

"R...Really?" She asked, trying to hold back a hiss of pain as Rin gently applied a cream to disinfect the wound.

"Yes, really, you're doing a good job" Rin said.

Once that was over, Rin put a band-aid on her knee, covering the large scrape on her knee and he helped her stand.

"There, all better I presume?" He asked.

Both girls looked at it and smiled "Thank you!" Said the blonde before hugging Rin happily.

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