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       "Okay Kuro, once I read this card-" He held one up "you pick a random card from any of these, and Rin would read what you chose. Okay?"

       Kuro nodded, happy to be included. Let's just say, Kuro was good at this sort of games...


        "Hey Itadori? Can.. I tell you something?" Rin asked.

       Both Rin and Itadori were currently cleaning up their game messes and food and drinks (soda and juices) trash.


      "Have I ever told you about my trial? The one that's in three months?" Rin asked.

     Itadori thought "I don't know" He said.

     "Well, to dumb it up I have a trial set by the Vatican that determines if I live or die" He said.

    "That sucks" Itadori said.

     "Yea, if I can't get my flames under control, I die, if I do, I'll be nothing more than a weapon" Rin said.

      Itadori looked at him, thinking how he was basically the same, but Itadori's death was unavoidable.

     "Well, I've come to terms that I'm never gonna learn how to control my flames in time, no matter how hard I tried, no matter how much blood, sweat and tears I shed, I still haven't learnt it" Rin said.

     Both Itadori looked at him sadly, and Kuro woken up from his nap, making sure he wasn't hearing what he was hearing.

     "Are you just... Accepting your death?" Itadori asked.

      "You can't!" Kuro jumped from the bed and onto Rin. 

      Rin dropped his broom and held Kuro close.

    "I won't be able to learn it in time Kuro... I'm sorry" Rin said.

      Kuro held Rin as best as he could despite being a cat. Itadori frowned, he knew what Rin was going through was just as bad as his situation. But Rin had a chance to live and he was picking death over life? 

     "What about your brother? What about Kuro?" Itadori asked.

      "I doubt Yukio would care, he's the person who hurts me the most. Pointing guns, looking at me like I'm an animal and not his brother, he and I were in an argument one time, pulled his gun and shot at the ground in front of my feet, scared me greatly, and he walked off saying I should learn my place. I know he really doesn't care. I'd be surprised if he did" Rin said.

     He held Kuro close "And for Kuro... I know you also don't have much time, but I know you have longer than three months, and I doubt Yukio would even care for Kuro..." Rin looked to the Pink haired male.

     "I was kinda hoping you'd take care of him for me" Rin said.

     "RIN! I said no one's gonna hurt you! They'd have to get through me first!" Kuro had the look of saddled fear on his face.

     "Kuro... They'll hurt you if you fight them... I don't want anything to happen to you, I care about you more than I do myself so please... Don't do anything reckless" He said.

     "How do you feel about your decision?" Itadori asked.

     "To die I mean" He added.

     Rin smiled, looking down, a saddened defeated smile on his face.

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