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      "There's no controlling them, Satan said so himself, if I remember right, even him, being alive and King of Hell for as long as he had been, there are times when he can't control his flames, I don't really remember, so find a way to get to him and maybe he'll be more than happy enough to teach you" He said.

      Rin nodded, a goal in mind. But....

     "How do I get in contact with him?"


      Before I begin this lovely chapter... I wanna give a special thanks to a certain reader of mine!

     @amllyloves Thank you so much for reading this story of mine and leaving comments for me to enjoy!

     I love reading your comments and I smile reading them, previous chapter I was shocked and surprised that in like the first 30 seconds of you reading this you had already read it and left comments for me to read!

     I'm surprised and happy that you enjoy this story so much! At this point I'm writing this story to see what you have to say about it! I thank you once again for taking time out of your day / night to read this story.

     As usual, I hope you have a brilliant Morning / Afternoon / Night!

     I'll be seeing you again within this chapter and in chapters that are to come!


     Rin walked the halls of school, more like speed walking but whatever. He figured something out. Mephisto is a demon, maybe he is able to go to hell and either ask Satan to meet up with Rin, or take Rin to him.

      Rin turned a corner and saw Bon, Shima and Konekomaru. The Three were always together. The Three stood there and stared at Rin, Shima had a complicated expression on his face, Konekomaru looked scaredly nervous, and Bon had on a dark expression. Rin paid them no heed, having more urgent matters to attend to. Bon just watched as Rin sped walked past them somewhere, it was clear to Bon that Rin had something to do.

     When Rin had asked Bon if he wanted to be his executioner, Bon was stunned and shocked. But the thought about it, and he'll accept the offer, he had a plan...

    Rin knocked on the door and heard Mephisto's name call out.

    "Come in"

    Rin opened the door and closed it behind him, walking to the desk and placed both his hands on the desk, leaning over it slightly.


    "I need to ask you something" Rin said.

    Mephisto raised a brow "And what may I help you with?"

    "You're a demon, yes?"

     "Yes, I don't hide that fact, but I also don't brag about it. Why do you ask?"

     "I need your help to contact someone important" 

     Mephisto smiled like he knew what's up, but he asked regardless.

     "And who is it you wish to seek?" 

     "My father, Satan" 

      Mephisto leaned back into his chair, amused and entertained. 

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