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       Both Rin and Itadori smiled and continued on with their night, renaming Rin.

Rin Okumura...
Rin Itadori...


      A week had passed and Rin was expected to be back in classes. Rin sighed heavily as he walked to his classes.

    "R.I.P my freedom.." Rin mumbled as he walked. 

    Rin yawned as he walked to his first class of the day, sitting down, he had a lot to catch up on, but at least it'll keep him busy for a while. He sat down as normally, and he continued on like he hadn't let to begin with. 

    But it was sorta funny, in a short week his life had changed. Well, it'll be a story worth telling one day. But what he wasn't looking forward to. Would be his cram classes. Well, he should be fine, he was ahead by four months if he remembers correctly. So would he still have to attend? Eh, he could just ditch-wait....

     If Sukuna knew Satan, could he help Rin control his flames? Might as well be productive until Gojo, Megumi and Itadori finish finding that curse and kill it, only then will they pack up and leave back to their home which is Sendai City, this time, they'll be bringing Rin along with them as a new student and as a fellow classmate.

     As much as he was excited for that, there were some parts he'll miss here. But the painful times here outweigh the good times. What he needed wasn't death. But a fresh start. Speaking of, he never got that strange female name. Eh, he'll call her his "Savoir" or the "Flute Lady" for now.

     He wondered if he'd see her again. He hoped so, he wanted to properly thank her. She looked like she really likes flutes, how carefully and peacefully she wiped it down after playing a song. Maybe he should get her another one for saving his life. 

     Honestly, if it weren't for her, he'd be dead in three months.

     Well, as much as he disliked to think, enough about the Flute Lady, he needed to work on this stupid ass math problem, his math teacher is glaring at him for zoning off...

     That night, Itadori laid on his bed, reading one of Rin's many books, Rin arrived from school, deciding to ditch cram classes. 

     "Hey Rin" Itadori said.

     Rin looked at him and smiled, Itadori laid on his back, but Kuro was all curled up on his stomach, peacefully sleeping as Itadori gave him peaceful and caring pets.

     "Hey, I got a question for Sukuna, can you call him out?" Rin asked as he closed the door behind him and set his bag down next to his bed.

      Itadori nodded, a few moments later, Sukuna appeared on his cheek, Itadori went to continue reading as both Sukuna and Rin spoke.

     "What?" Sukuna asked, sounding like he'd much rather be doing anything else than speaking to Rin.

     "You knew Satan, right?"

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