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BLOOD DRIPPED DOWN HER CHIN, as Asuna recollected the memory of what happened next

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BLOOD DRIPPED DOWN HER CHIN, as Asuna recollected the memory of what happened next. Akaza refused her orders and punched right through the hashira's torso, rendering him as good as dead.

Then, the sun began to make its entrance and then the two of them made their retreat. The burgundy haired boy, Tanjiro, began to spout some curses at the two of them, even going as far as to throw his sword at the Uppermoon 3.

"You're going to leave him after everything he's done??!" the boy shouted, his voice full of fury, "You don't deserve his kindness!!"

Ah, words like that sounded familiar. So familiar that it used to sting the demoness— but she had hardened herself past that.

Asuna shook away the thoughts, her eyes glued to the wooden tatami floors that were stained with her own crimson. Her father was angry. No; angry wasn't the right word.

He was livid.

Not only did the sun breathing descendant live, but both his daughter and his Uppermoon 3 had gotten into a scuffle.

She had insinuated it, out of what he assumed to be pity for the humans.

They never change...

"Must I remind you what it feels like to be betrayed?" He asked lowly, looking down on the battered figure before him, "Or are you old enough to understand?"

"It's pitiful," the woman laughed bitterly, finding comecality in his words, "That even now I am held onto by a leash."

"Do not play with me," Muzan snapped, "Do you not care for your life?"

"I would have stepped into the sun by now," she spat, wiping the crimson from her lip, "Are you done?"

Her father stared at her with eyes full of suspicion, and their gazes seemed to pierce into one another for eons. Nakime visibly shuddered at the exchange and could only watch with her hand ready on her biwa.

After what seemed like ages, the progenitor of demons let out a loud scoff before swiftly turning around. He relented, albeit not without punishment.

"Gyutaro," he commanded, his power radiating through the infinity castle, "You are to monitor this pretentious girl. It seems she still holds that weak mindset."

Asuna pursed her lips at his words but said nothing. It could certainly have been worse. But it seemed her father had noticed her friendly connections to his other uppermoons.

So he decided Uppermoon 6 would do the job. Ah, and the man seemed a little too fond of his sister at times.

She inwardly smiled at that.

"I expect you to clean up your act," the male muttered slowly, bringing his hand down to hold a strand of her hair, "Until then, you will be stationed with Uppermoon 6."

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