6. Sleeping in His Bed

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After dinner, I followed Ashton out of the restaurant

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After dinner, I followed Ashton out of the restaurant. His walk wasn't as steady as when we came in, and his steps fluttered with each step. As we approached the sidewalk, I reached around his waist to prevent him from falling. He blinked at me a couple of times, attempting to register the scene before him. His eyes looked glazed over. He shouldn't have had the entire bottle of wine and certainly not brandy for dessert.

Ashton reached into his pockets, flashing me a goofy smile once the object was found. His fingers held the valet ticket in a messy fold.

"You are in no state to drive," I said, directing him away from the valet stand.

"Fine. You drive then," he said in a slight slur.

"I- I don't know how." My face grew flushed with embarrassment. I knew it wasn't normal for a twenty six year old to not know something so basic.

"It's k. I call Bernie," he reassured. Ashton pulled out a phone from his pocket, tapping it unsuccessfully. He swiped hard with his finger, the phone slipping out of his hand in a perfect vertical. Within seconds, it had vanished into a sewer grate. "Well, fuck."

I groaned into my hands. What were my options at this point? Drive his car illegally? Get a hold of a phone and hope he knows Bernie's number by heart? Ask someone to call an Uber for us? There was no way someone was doing that for us, especially in the state Ashton was in. Thankfully, he still had his wallet, so he had money to get us home using a mode of transportation he was probably unfamiliar with-- the bus.

"He better not throw up in my bus," a stern woman proclaimed as I paid the fare.

"I'll make sure," I assured while trying to balance Ashton with my arms. He grew drowsy and heavy with every passing minute.

"What is this disgusting place?" Ashton grumbled.

"It's the bus, Ashton. Remember? We have to get you home."

He looked at me with large, sapphire orbs, wisps of his hair falling over his face. His cheeks had the slightest tinge of pink from the alcohol. He flashed me a heart stopping smile. "You look gooood now," he said, running his hands through my hair.

"Thanks to you," I said nervously. He probably had no idea what he was saying, but it was still nice having someone look at me like I'm something precious.

"Yeah. I'm pretty amazing." He nodded his head then placed it on my shoulder.

Getting him off the bus was somehow harder than getting him on. He resisted every step, and his body was unbearably heavy. The doorman to his building helped me walk him to the private elevator, a task he seemed all too used to.

Once we were inside the apartment, I coaxed him up the stairs and to his bedroom. His bedroom looked neat, barely lived in, and with everything covered in shades of gray. But now wasn't the time to admire his furniture. I sat him on the bed, thankful that my journey was finally at its end.

I sat next to him, untying and throwing his shoes off. I debated whether to undress him out of his uncomfortable clothes. I was only three buttons in when Ashton gazed at me with dark, lustful eyes.

"You just don't give up, do you?" He asked.

"What?" I let go of his shirt, my face filled with uncertainty.

"Fine. I'll take you up on your offer." Ashton pulled me close, pinning me down on his bed. Before I could say anything, his lips were on my neck. It started with gentle kisses, quickly becoming aggressive bites as he grabbed one of my legs.

"No, wait. I wasn't trying to-- Ashton you're drunk," I managed to say while unsuccessfully pushing on his shoulders.

He sucked at a spot on my collarbone, licking over it to soothe the sting. An involuntary moan escaped my lips, and I needed to remind myself not to get lost in the moment. He placed his hand beneath my top then stopped. Before long, he was snoring.

I sighed with relief, knowing this wasn't going any further. But that relief was instantly replaced by dread. No matter how much I wiggled or squirm, his body lay on top of me like a boulder. The lack of nutrition from vagrant living left zero amount of strength in my body. I was trapped.

Several hours passed this way until my eyelids felt heavy. Almost as soon as I closed my eyes, they were open to a confused Ashton staring back at me. Gentle streams of sunlight filled the room. I let out a deep breath once he sat up.

"Shit. What did I——?" He trailed off, fixing his gaze onto a spot on my neck. He scrambled off the bed, pushing his hair back with his hands as he attempted to gather his thoughts. "Did we...?" He gestured between us.

I bit my bottom lip and shook my head. My mind was somewhere between relief and disappointment, and the expression on Ashton's face could only be described as much of the same. Before things became any more awkward, I left his room and entered mine.

I threw myself face down on the bed, screaming as quietly as I could into the duvet. I should've made more of an effort to push him off. Now he'll reconsider letting me stay. Ashton made it very clear he didn't want me that way the first night.

After a quick shower, I was finally able to admire my new haircut. I smiled at the ability to run my fingers all the way through without getting caught in endless knots. Being able to eat solid meals, even for two days, brought a new color to my cheeks.

My smile quickly faded. Please let Ashton be nice just a little longer, so I can stay.

"Good Morning, Rafael," I said, trying to maintain my cheery disposition.

"Morning, Daisy. New haircut?" I nodded my head and sat down on one of the barstools. "Well, you already looked beautiful, but you look even beautifuller today." Rafael flashed me such a genuine smile that caused me to blush instantly. I wasn't used to so many compliments.

Ashton came downstairs like a whirlwind, demanding his breakfast to go. For a moment, our eyes met, but he looked away quickly. This time, he didn't yell about the bacon or anything. It was as if he couldn't get away fast enough.

"Wait!" I called out, following him to the elevator. He stopped in his tracks, turning around impatiently.

"What is it?" Once he asked, I wasn't sure myself why I wanted him to stop. My throat felt dry as if I was the one who did something wrong.

"Will you be home early today?" I had somehow resorted to becoming his pet in only a couple of days; my purpose in life to wait for his every word.

"No," he said, pressing the button for the lobby.

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