Chpt 10: "Confusion, and suspicions."

710 29 18

« A/N I'm very sorry this was delayed for quite the while😭
But anyways, my birthday is 3 weeks away!!! Yippe! »

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V played around with the collar of her chain, twirling it around a finger as it rattled. The chain on the ground grazed against the cold floor of the landing pod.

This was so boring.

It's always been boring like this.

But it's not like she can do anything about it, can she?

It's not like that purple thing would just decide to get rid of her chain one day.

That thing hates V, doesn't she?

V couldn't lie, it kinda hurt.

Not the metal collar of the chain being tightly wrapped around her neck, but rather the fact that Uzi probably doesn't even like her — not one bit.

V let go of the chain, stopping herself from continuing to twirl it around a finger as she crossed her arms. Her head dropped, as she stared at the ground with a bland expression.

She let out a heavy sigh.

Why can't she get Uzi to at least tolerate her?

Was she really that bad?

Was she really that unlikeable?

She just wants to be loved.

That's all.

She shook her head.

"You should really stop overthinking like that, V."

She muttered to herself, expecting no response from anyone in general at all.

Until —

"Great, are you growing paranoid too?"

V flinched, her yellow optics turning into hollow rings.

She recognized that voice.

"Wha..? What the hell are you talking about?"

V questioned, turning her head around to face Uzi.

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