Chpt 12: "A new perspective."

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'' Have a uhh.. slightly long chapter as an apology for being so inactive. Are you guys happy now? ,,

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Uzi would yawn, the endless ticking of the clock seemed to get louder as it echoed through the hollow shell of her processor.

She hated class, she hated these stupid boring lectures. She didn't need them, she knew she didn't. So why did she continue going through this torture?

She wasn't even sure at this point.

"Ugh, this class is boring."
She thought to herself.

She didn't like math, at all. She most definitely didn't like her classmates either, they were all annoyingly stupid and obnoxious — more than N!

She flinched at that thought, she didn't want to insult N like that. It was very uncalled for.

Besides, at least N had a working 'brain' — unlike these hooligans surrounding her.

The only thing inside their empty heads would probably be a cobweb and two gears just lying around in there.

Uzi sighed, laying her head on her arms which was on top of her desk.

She just hoped school would end faster than she thought.

Who knows? Maybe once she's outside she won't feel so dull and broody anymore.

The bunker felt almost claustrophobic, to be completely honest.

She was more used to the frigid, rough winds outside. She preferred hearing the snow crunch and melt under her feet, rather than be stuck with the sound of rubber soles thudding against the metal floor of the place that was her "home".

Although... Uzi couldn't deny — this place definitely felt safer, despite its.. lack of life(?). She felt like she wouldn't have to worry staying outside too long and freezing her joins, or having the frost melt on her metal skin and make them rust as soon as she enters a much warmer area.

Despite that initial thought of hers, she still liked going outside either way. It was so much more fun out there! How could she not like it?

It felt freeing for her to be able to roam around outside without the fear of being mauled by a disassembly drone. She felt like she had no worries or responsibilities outside, and it lifted a huge weight off her shoulders.

Suddenly, there was something she could look up to.

Friends she didn't expect to make, despite them being the very machines sent to murder her own kind.

They were still — admittedly — important to her in a way.

Even V.

Well–.. Actually, she wasn't sure. She had mixed feelings about her.

V was... annoyingly irritating, to say the least.

But she was becoming a little-  less meaner, in a way.



Uzi sighed.

Well, V definitely seems like the type to change abruptly — considering her crazy antics.

But what caused V to be less snarky towards her? The worker drone that she said she'd eat one day?

Uzi had so many questions, but such a limited amount of answers.

She could just talk to N after school, maybe he has answers? Hopefully.

She really needed an explanation for V's odd but not-so-unexpected recent behavior.

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'' ... I feel like the vuzi shippers are coming for me for not making them kiss yet. ,,

(I am very sorry, they might only start dating after chapter 20)

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