Bath Time

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I never found out what happened to the man my wind spell hit. I managed to get a glance of the road behind us before we set off again, and saw a massive tear in the earth. I guess he had, literally, been blown away.

Upon reflection, I decided it had been simply a matter of too much mana. I was beginning to realise I had severely underestimated how powerful my spells could be. Perhaps if I adjusted the parameters... No, it would be better to wait and try them out some more first, so I could measure the strengths more precisely.

The rest of our journey through South Reinhart went without incident. The forest slowly cleared, and we entered a more cultivated area, not so different to what Silfen looked like, although perhaps a little rougher.

We finally arrived at a walled town. For that we had to pay a toll to the guards, I think it was a bribe really, before we could enter. Once we did, the wagon made slow progress along streets that were far busier than those around the academy. I spent a good hour gazing at the shops and the people walking, riding, trading along the cobbled streets.

As the sun was starting to fall in the sky, we pulled into another inn. This was one a red-brick affair, built in an L-shape, with a large stable off to one side.

"At last," Lissa sighed, as we pulled up. "I need a long bath."

"Me too," Rath agreed, jumping down and handing the reigns to a young lass, dressed in a rather ragged tunic, who had come to greet us.

I was lifted down by Rath, and then, slightly to my surprise, Lissa spent a minute casting a very obvious, loud spell on the wagon. Frowning, I wondered what she was doing for a moment, and then I saw the girl holding the reins, looking on with an expression of terror on her face. Realisation dawned. This was theft prevention!

"There," Lissa said, in a clear voice to Rath. "That curse will make anyone rummaging through our things very sorry. Oh, I'm sorry youngster, I didn't see you there. You may take the wagon to the stables."

"Y... y... yes Blessed," the poor girl replied, visibly quaking.

Lissa gave me a quick wink, and we walked towards the inn.

"What did mother really cast?" I whispered to Rath.

"I think it was a spell to get rid of lice," she muttered back, looking down at me. "Who's a clever lad, figuring that out?"

"Mother would never hurt anyone that wasn't putting us in danger."

Rath scratched her chin, and looked up at the sky. "Maybe," she said, vaguely.

Before I could ask more, we were at the check-in desk, where an older chap in blue robes dealt with us politely and efficiently, and we were soon standing in a room that was smaller than the last one, although possibly with better furnishings.

"There's a bath house next door if I remember," Rath said, putting me on the bed. "Shall we go there before eating?"

"Most assuredly," Lissa replied, scratching herself. "Maybe I should have cast that spell on myself."

So I was treated to the bathhouse, where I was glad my young body was still, mostly, unaffected by the sight of female flesh, because my mothers took me with them, into the ladies area. I was young enough, apparently, for this to be allowed.

A changing room first, where I was efficiently stripped off, and where my mothers, in all their glory, also disrobed, swapping clothes for a towel, and then into the bathing area, which held two large, steaming pools, and one cold one.

I had to work hard not to laugh out loud with glee as we made our way through the naked females walking, relaxing, and chatting in and around these pools.

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