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The tiny human was following me!

I had never even seen one of the man-creatures before, but we all know the tales. We all know they murder and hunt our kind for fun. We all know the stories of their barbarism, of how they massacre whole tribes, women and children too, for nothing but sport.

So why had this small one not only helped me but, I had to assume from his grunts and gestures, offered to escort me home too? He must be after payment. My mind sank a little at what that could entail.

But was he really a man-creature? Maybe he was a sub-species, an elf or something. No, elves had long ears. Perhaps he was simple minded? Again, no, surely not, he had an air of intelligence about him.

Whatever he was, he was powerful. As powerful as any shaman I had ever heard of, be it goblin, man-creature or other. He had blown a hole straight through the bugbear alpha without blinking. And no incantation either! He had simply raised his hand and killed it, like it was nothing at all!

Maybe it was a trap? Maybe he was using me to find our camp and kill everyone there? No, that made no sense. Why would someone so powerful need to do that?

I couldn't make head nor tail of this being. Even now he was walking along as if he had no care in the world, occasionally pausing to examine a flower, or a bug on a tree trunk. It was as if he was out for a gentle stroll.

Never mind. I had survived, which was a miracle. When we returned to the tribe, my father would know what to do. I just hoped the price would be something I could pay.

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