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There was a noise. I squeezed my eyes tightly shut and waited for the end.

It didn't come.

Opening my eyes again, I looked up at Isakar. He was staring down, with an expression of immense surprise on his face.

A red stain was slowly spreading out from his middle, ruining that nice white tunic for good.

"Wha..." he started to say. Slowly, without finishing his word, he toppled over backwards, to land with a dull thud on the floor.

"Theo!" Through my dimming sight, I saw the heavenly vision of Lissa running towards me.

"Mother..." I groaned, and passed out.


I woke up in a strange room, in a strange bed.

Made it out alive then, I thought, raising my arm, and looking at my hand. It seemed to be unharmed. Feeling the rest of my body, that appeared to be perfectly fine as well. No doubt I had been healed. Magic was a wonderful thing.

I sat up and took in my surroundings.

The room was a fairly plain affair, with undecorated wooden walls and floor. There was a door set near the corner, and a window behind me, through which I could only see the sky from this angle.

Next to the basic bed was a table with a jug on it, and next to that was a chair, where Lissa was sitting, slightly slumped over, asleep.

I smiled. My bet was that for however long I had been out for, she had not left my side. Such is the nature of mothers.

Climbing out of the bed, and noting I was wearing some kind of long nightgown, I padded over to her and put my hand on her leg.

She instantly jerked awake and, seeing me, drew me up into a bone crushing hug.

"Theo!" she cried. "Thank the Goddess!"

"Urg," was about all I had to say, as the breath was being squeezed out of me.

Eventually she released me, and, after peppering me with kisses, brought me up to date. Apparently she had already heard the tales of my brave exploits from Gisel, who hadn't been seriously hurt, and Toby and Emma, both who had been unscathed in the last battle. The other two children would also be fine, after some work from Lissa and the local healer, I was glad to hear.

Apparently, after we had been snatched, Lissa and Rath had been forced to withdraw. They hadn't given up of course, but simply sorted themselves out and came back in again, more quietly this time. Even so, they had had to fight a whole army of spiders before reaching the newly surfaced dungeon entrance.

Once inside, and through more monsters, mostly spiders again, they had broken through the double doors, just in time to see me nearly killed. Lissa had fired some sort of extremely potent death magic at Isakar, no doubt fuelled by panic and rage, which had put him down for good, I was not unhappy to hear.

After that they had done a bit of healing, enough to move me safely, and carried me back out. There was barely any resistance on the return journey, possibly because of the number of spiders already killed, or maybe because Isakar's influence had gone. In any case, they hadn't had any real problems.

"We've sent a message to the Adventurer's Guild about the new dungeon," Rath finished up. She had come in shortly after I had woken, and subjected me to more hugs and kisses. Such a hard life I had.

"The Adventurer's Guild?"

"It's an organisation that deals with these things," she explained. "They recruit adventurers, who go in and cull the monster population. There's an outpost near most dungeons, otherwise the monsters tend to find their way out into the surrounding countryside and cause problems. I suspect you will become a member when you are older. Both your mother and I have been for many years."

"Oh." There were a lot of things I still didn't know apparently, both about the world, and my mothers.

"They will send people to investigate, maybe set up an outpost here even, depending on how large the dungeon turns out to be," Lissa said.

"And so, that's us all caught up." Rath finished. "How are you feeling? This little side-trip has put us behind schedule."

"I'm fine," I replied, stretching. "Although, I would like my own clothes back please."

Lissa giggled. "They've been washed and mended," she said. "I'll bring them in."

"And... some food?" I looked up and batted my eyelids, in puppy dog fashion.

Laughing, both my mothers stood up.

"He's fully recovered," Rath said.

"A dungeon adventurer before he's even six," Lissa added. "Truly remarkable Theodore."

"I try my best," I sniffed.

Modest as fuck, that's me.

Epilogue - Infiltrator.

I stepped down from the wagon and looked around. The academy was plainly visible, a large square monster of a building squatting on the top of the high ground.

Moving out of the way, so the rest of the passengers could disembark, I collected my small bag of belongings from the coach driver, and began the last leg of my journey on foot, towards my destination.

It had taken quite some time to get here. Glancing at the residents from under my hood as I walked along just reinforced how far away I was from my homeland. Not that they would see anything strange looking at me. Disguise was a basic skill I had long ago mastered.

I'm what some call an Infiltrator, although the few who know of us tend to call us different things. Spy, assassin, saboteur, in truth those are all also correct, as our skills encompass all of those things. We are not large in number, as not many survive the brutal training regimen, which starts from an extremely young age. It is carried out in utter secrecy, within the hidden and vast headquarters of our organisation.

Out of my class of thirty, four had graduated. Apparently that was about average. The ones who hadn't made it... hadn't made it.

I had finished top of my class. My personal tutor had informed me my scores were amongst the highest on record. Then she had brutally punched me in the stomach and told me not to get cocky about it. I was still a young brat.

One day I would go back and kill her for that.

Back to now.

This was my first major mission, and it had been stressed that it would test even my skills to the limit. As usual, I had no idea of who had employed me; that went through my guild master, and I wasn't even sure she knew the identity of the one who had placed the contract.

Mine was a world of secrets, shadows, deceit and death.

This world I was entering though, was a bustling one, full of students of all ages, bright-eyed and bursting with enthusiasm. I would really have to work to fit in here.

Gritting my teeth, I walked over the drawbridge, into the academy.

Despite what I had been told, I didn't expect to be here very long. I mean, even if I had to make it look like an accident, how hard would it be to kill a five year old boy?

Chuckling to myself, I entered the massive structure, and merged in with the crowd of students.

This was going to be fun.

~ End of Book 1 ~

Book 2: Dungeon Academy – Coming soon. (May 2024 I estimate)

Follow me here, Am azon, or check my website NeilHartleyBooks (dot) com for updates.

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