3. Lake

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-We have arrived!!
Cardan exclaimes happily, taking the blindfold off my eyes.
In front of me lays the most magical scenery I have ever seen in all my years in Elfhame. It is a huge, round lake, the waters glinning blue, green and even purple. Three waterfalls fill this giant magic pool with the three different colours of water. The one in the left is the biggest one, as tall as the palace'sastronomy tower and even higher, tons of midnight blue water falling downhill, creating silver and shimmering waves. The one in the middle is filling the lake with a green colour, dark and simultaneously light just like the eye colour of many creatures in this island. And finally, the smallest one is the purple, only around ten feet high. The purple of it is not as visible as it blends with the other colours, but it undoubtedly adds to the beauty of this place, making purplish swirls and tiny waves.

The mountain where the water falls from is as high as the lowest clouds, and I could see that the water comes from a singular spot at the top of it, and then divides into three rivers of different colour. Even with my poor mortal vision, blue, green and purple flowers and trees heavy from the faerie fruit, cover its entire surface, blending with each other and creating the most perfect harmonies. I was stunned. Around the lake, huge trees of the same colours hide this place from the ones that did not know of its existence. Sea plants and flowers also emerge from the bottom of the lake, making its appearance even more majestic. Lastly, behind the green waterfall, something like a cave was visible, but I could not quite see inside.
I felt Cardan approaching me from behind.
-Isn't it beautiful?
He asks, even though his eyes where on me all this time, as if watching me and my reaction could ever compete with bearing to take your eyes away from this miracle.
I nod. I pressure myself to take my eyes away and face him.

His perfect face is so close to me again. The darkness of his eyes, the sharpness of his features and even his body language could never fit in with this colorful magic. Yet, the way he looks at me, the tension his eyes have while looking deep inside mine, and the comfort of his touch when he huggs me makes me think that the lake might get jealous of his. A silly thought. But it's also true.

He is dressed in purple velvet and he himself demanded that I wear a midnight blue dress before we left. We blend to the scenery so perfectly. A prince and his princess at their final destination, each other's arms, in a magical place like this one. I try to tell him all the things I cannot express with words through the way I throw my arms on his neck and get on my toes to unite our lips.

I kiss him softly. For a long time. Just the barest touch of lips. Just enough to let him know that he is my one, my all, my love. He is the sun, and I am the moon. He is everything, and want to be nothing without him.

While we still kiss, he hugs my waist and I hug his shoulders, as he lifts me a couple centimeters from the ground. He spins me and the air around us spins too. A soft breeze messes his curls, which I tuck behind his ear. Finally, we break the kiss and sit there, hugged, with our foreheads touching.

He then pulls away to face me, a small smirk on his face. Before I have time to talk, he pushes me back, into the water.
The shock releases a yelp from my lips as I fall into the water. I had prepared myself for its coldness, yet I am greeted by surprising warmth. The waters are warm and cozy, light like they partially consist of air and not liquid.

I look up, at my husband, who cannot hide his amusement.

-Do you plan on joining me?
I ask him sarcastically.

He unbuttons his shirt and throws it on the ground, before running to the edge of the cliff and jumping. The waters from the splash fall onto me.

I shout, pretending to be upset, even though I cannot contain a smile.

He hasn't emerged yet.
Something grabs me by my foot and drags me down. I manage to hold my breath before my head is completely under the water.

And there he is. Cardan, apparently having no trouble breathing under the water. He comes near me and cups my face with his hands. He kisses me, and along with the kiss he passes me air.

-You can breath now. Try.
The water slightly changes his voice, but apart from that, I can hear him pretty easily. I open my mouth and nose and take a deep breath. This watery substance is filling up my lungs. It is weird at first, but I quickly adapt. The water is sweet and does not burn my eyes.

I swim towards him and kiss him again, with tongue this time. He kisses me passionately back and takes off my dress. I am left with my underwear. He does the same with his pants, leaving the wet fabrics onto a glinning rock.

-Clothes are only going to be a burden. Also, we are alone and I'd like to enjoy the view.

I roll my eyes but I take his hand when he reaches out. He hugs me with one arm and together, we swim. Many minutes pass by. I see corals, shells and fancy fishes. When we finally emerge, I see that we are at the front of the green waterfall. Behind it is the cave.

Cardan picks me up princess style and walks, naked, into the waterfall. When we reach the other side, my eyes widen.
A cave full of crystals lays there, hidden. It's pretty dark, but the crystals on the walls give off small, colorful rays of light.

Suddenly, I understand why he brought me here. I turn back and fall onto him, locking our lips and tracing his back with my nails. He carries me to a spot where there are no crystals for me to lie down on.

His is on top of me and we take off the last pieces of clothing off of each other. When he finally enters me, I feel like I have reached the absolute peak already. He moves slowly, yet deeply and also uses his hand to rub my clitoris. In under a couple minutes, I finish.

I get up and make him lie on his back. I give kisses and hickeys to his neck, chest and abs. And when I reach his male part, I take him in my mouth, going slowly at first, then faster and deeper into my throat. He moans softly as I lick him for the last time before positioning him between my legs.

I ride him under the light of the crystals, as we both started climaxing and making sounds. This is not sex. It is more. So much more. This is love. We are making love and it's the best feeling I ever had.

As he hits my spot again and again, an orgasm coils in my lower belly, waiting to be released. We finish together and lie inside each other's arms, him being the big spoon, until nighttime comes and the crystals light up silver from the shine of the full moon. We don't move even then. We stay still, trying to make the moment last forever, until sweet sleep forces my eyes closed.

Thanks for reading! This story was less spicy than others, but I wanted to make something more romantic this time. I would love to hear your feedback and improvement suggestions in the comments!!

Also, I would appreciate your ideas as to what to write next, since I am kind of running out of inspiration.

If you liked this story, give me a star and a follow. Bye pookies 💓💓

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