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comment for motivation! sorry I haven't updated any of my fics for about a week, there will be much slower updates for this period of time since I'm currently extremely busy

I really want pretzels.

The singular thought buzzed in Y/n's head.

Y/n had been lying flat on his stomach for the last few hours, doing nothing but just daydreaming. Sitting upright hurt his ass, lying on his back hurt his spine, lying sideways hurt his arms. Using pillows to prop up his neck hurt the wound on it. He was completely immobile and useless.

But I can't move, Y/n thought mournfully. Walking hurts so bad...

Actually, he hadn't exactly tried walking yet. It was just that every movement stung his nether regions to the point where he had given up on mobile movement completely, and had resigned to his fate that perhaps he was now a pillow princess. Which technically, Y/n kind of liked the sound of it—though he was sure he would melt into a puddle of goo if he ever admitted that.

You know what? Y/n thought suddenly, resolution popping up in his head, no. Maybe I'll try moving...

Painfully, he pushed himself up from the pillows, heard a small crack of his spine, winced at the sharp pain in his throat and...

Viola! He was up! Y/n felt like he was a baby taking his first steps when he peeled his limbs off the bed—Aruna had set up some sort of pillow fort for him for maximum comfort, placing pillows and soft blankets all around him—and stood up.

Attempted to.

It took a glorious, lengthy three seconds before he wobbled forward, his legs giving beneath him—

And a tail to quickly coil around him.

"Y/n," Aruna's voice was gentle, "lay down."

There had been a change in behavior for the naga. In those earth shattering hours, Aruna had been rather venomous (not at him, never at him), impatient, and his gaze had been clouded with desire and lust. Heavy, heavy lust; and some sort of jealousy—green, potent envy—rooted in his obsidian eyes, but now it had taken a 180 turn. Aruna was now mellow, calm, and satisfied. It seemed that not only his sexual desires had been fulfilled, there seemed to be a relief that Aruna had staked his claim on him first, in a way.

"I'm hungry," Y/n huffed. "I've been sitting here, literally back facing towards the ceiling because you have rendered me utterly helpless."

The naga gave a fond, affectionate smile. In fact, he almost seemed to shamelessly gloat in Y/n's words.

"You're hungry?" The naga purred, "what do you want to eat? I'll get anything for you."

See, Aruna had always been generous and sweet. But it seemed like that lavish lifestyle he gave Y/n seemed to have spiraled deeper—the way the naga looked at him was sent Y/n's heart racing. There was just something so sweet, so indulgent in the gaze. Y/n had a feeling if he asked for the world, Aruna would have given it to him on a sliver platter.

"Pretzels," the (h/c)-haired man flipped to face the feeling, which he nearly regretted after the pain spiking up in his back, "I'm really craving pretzels."

Velveteen warmth was radiated off with their intertwined limbs, and Aruna softened.


Y/n nudged him with his leg. "Don't tell you don't know what pretzels are? Criminal."

Aruna looked adorably confused, and Y/n resisted the temptation to crash his lips onto him, run his hands through his beautiful, silky dark hair—

"...I don't think I've ever heard of that..." Aruna hesitated, he's so fucking cute—"is it like—like a snack, or?"

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