Mysterious time god

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Tremya. His rival. His enemy. The one who distracted him every damn battle. From the day she appeared, she had always picked him. As soon as she spotted him, she focused on him and he focused on her.

"Don't let them get Ethan!" Influence ordered, "We cannot lose him!"

"Yes m'lord."

Observer watched as Influence spoke to Aphrodite. He didn't pay much attention to their conversation. He paid attention to the female with the showman outfit with the stars replaced with clocks. The outfit itself was full of yellow ribbons with a red coat, clocks and stars decorated all over it. Her hair was white, its true color attempting to reveal itself in it's blue streaks. Her sapphire blue eyes were so bright and full of emotion as she helped in the battle.

"Observer." Influence snapped him out of his captivated trance.

"Yes my lord?" Observer replied, jolting a bit.

"Why are you staring at the future god of time?"

Observer looked at Influence confused, "A child is the future god of time?!"

"Do not let her current form fool you. She is the same age as Bella."

"Then why does she look like a child?" Observer replied.

"She can change her form, this is the one she chose. Her powers are similar to Bella's, she shouldn't be a challenge."

Observer nodded, watching as Influence kept her eye on Aphrodite and the hydra. He ordered some minions to attack the team. Again, there she was. Smiling at... wait she was looking at him.

Without warning she charged toward him, attacking him upfront despite knowing how open she was. There was so many vunerable spots, yet he was the one caught off guard. He barely managed to dodge the attack.

"What the hell!?"

She laughed, "Didn't expect that did you darling?"

He hated that nickname. Infuriated, he attacked her again and again. Yet she just blocked again and again, smiling as he kept failing to even leave a tiny mark.

"How do you keep dodging!?" He hissed.

She burst out laughing, in the middle of their battle! How could someone laugh in the middle of battle as if the stakes weren't higher than the high ceilings of Influence's lab. He just stood there, confused and in awe of such a person. Someone who seemed so free, even able to change their form as they pleased, so happy, yet even that was just a front in itself like his own emotionless front.

"Darling I know all of time, I know when you will attack"

"Is that really why?" Observer asked, glaring her with disbelief.

"It has been a while since I met someone with the same speed and strength as me. You don't mind our little rivalry do you? Im on Bella's side, otherwise I'd talk more. Toodles~!"


And ever since then, it had been a constant battle to try and defeat her, despite knowing it would realistically never happen.

Again and again he'd try. Like this day, where he stood in front of her for what might be one of the last times before she joined the army of infected. The fight began and she charged for him, he blocked.

"It's a shame this will be a our last fight, I'll miss fighting with you" She sighed.

"Perhaps we will see each other again" He realized what he said and quickly added, "My lord will not go down easily"

Despite knowing all of time, she didn't say the outcome. Instead, she smiled and so the battle went on.

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