Punishment. Don't fail again.

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Vera's heels clacked against the floor as she walked toward the wall and threw one of the drone parts into the wall. Due to is fragility, it shattered with a loud "BANG!" against the steel wall. Zaizar sat nearby, fidgeting his hands. He looked at his hands, thinking about the promises that were made to him. His body was curled down in shape despite his quite tall stature.

Vera turned to Zaizar with a smile, a sinister smile, "Zaizar Im disappointed in you..."

Her smile faded. Her hands were pressed together tightly, glitching horribly. Zaizar looked up at Vera with bags under his lack of sleep. Head finds pointed down, tail between his legs.

"You wouldn't understand what happened! And if I told you, it's not like my reason is believable...." Zaizar sighed.

"What reason? You had the opportunity right there! And you let it slip out your hands like a slippery eel!" Vera snapped, "Your supposed to do better in the water! How the fuck do you do WORSE!?"

"My mind is.... just fucking with my thinking.... I don't think I slept enough or if it's just my mind playing tricks on me..... but I do know it's not just my fault! You made it so difficult for me because of those stupid speakers! I almost went deaf because of those things! And don't get me started on the traps!" Zaizar stumbled, trying to explain himself.

Vera grabbed his fin harshly, causing a small rip in the fin.

"You forget who is above you. Did surviving a genocide teach you NOTHING? Mortals like you, despite all you manage to make, you are still just as pathetic!"

She let go of the fin and threw him against the wall.

"Be fucking grateful I need your soul. Or you'd be just like the drones. You have plenty of blood to be a good replacement for oil."

Zaizar hissed in pain, pushing Vera away from him.

"I don't give a shit about that! The only reason I joined you was because you promised me an opportunity to enact revenge, maybe start anew with a partner in crime! And it was all a lie!" Zaizar yelled.

Vera laughed, "Of course it was! Did you really think I cared about you or your desires? You were chosen from a list of canidates, ones I all waited for their fates to happen. I watched as they planned the genocide of your people weeks in advance. Watching as they killed your beautiful wife. Your sister. Oh lets not forget your adorable child! She cried so much too..."

Zaizar's eyes narrowed in anger at the mention of his daughter, "You're sick! Those Sketches were right, you're nothing but a deranged freak!"

Vera smiled sinisterly, laughing more, "I drink blood Zai. What the fuck else would I be? Sadly, dissapointment does not go without punishment. Guess what time it is, your not too stupid not to know? Right Zai?"

Zaizar sighed in frustration, "Whatever.... What is my punishment, huh?"

"Grab your sword. Your going to love it!"

Zaizar took out his blade, the blade forming from the hilt of it as usual. He then went to Vera, maintaining his distance. She opened the doors to Isode's place. Outside there was... a town. A small town, with cute little houses and children playing in the snow. Giggling and smiling as if Vera wasn't planning something horrible. The children noticed Zaizar, going up to him and asking his name with their innocent little minds.

Vera smiled sinisterly, "I told you, you'd love it"

Zaizar looked at the children, hiding his blade and wanting to preserve their innocence, "Go along, now kids! I don't want you to get lost now!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25 ⏰

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