Bloodied Clocks and String

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Zelo followed Arthos as Aphrodite lead him to a room. It was a simple guest room. The floor was stained with Tiempo's blood, as well as his clothes that were tossed in a corner. The clothes Arthos currently had on were a white plain turtleneck with no sleeves and black pants with his now cleaned white boots. Arthos sat on the bed, touching his braid as he stared at the empty bookshelf that was there for the person who stayed in the room's belongings. If they had any that is.

Aphrodite looked at him, "You sure you'll be alright?"

"I'll be fine enough." Arthos replied, "I deserve to sit here and suffer for my actions. Like Charlie said, they did nothing wrong..."

Aphrodite sighed but closed the door and left. Arthos then blinked and noticed Zelo, sitting right next to him.

"Why are you here?" Arthos asked, confused.

"I wanted to know what happened." Zelo replied.

Arthos sighed, "You sure? You know it's a brutal tale."

"You need to process it, it helps if you tell someone" Zelo answered.

Arthos chuckled, "Your not wrong there."

Zaizar stood there, staring at Arthos with fury in his eyes. Arthos froze, muscles tensing up and preparing for a death he very much deserved. He remembered those screams, the pleas of mothers, the tears of children. He remembered how Zaizar's wife begged and pleaded for her child and Zaizar. He remembered the way the blood splattered. The way she had tried to distract him with plates just so there was even a chance for her or her child.

"What a wonderful display! You know... it's a shame that this. Will. All. Be. GONE!"

Arthos tensed, awaiting the pain. However it never came. What came instead was the sound of a portal opening and a dark blue blur. Arthos knew that dark blue blur. He loved her. Loved that long dark blue hair that had always been perfect until the truth hit her like a truck. Loved her beautiful smile that became more rare as the years passed. Missed the one who had held his hands and begged for an affair, one that he declined knowing the fate of such an affair. A child would be born, a child that could be compared to a ticking time bomb. She summoned holograms, identical to the ones Tremya used, to block the team from the shockwaves of an attack meant to him. It hit her instead, cutting so deep it left a huge gash that started bleeding immediately.

"Tiempo!" He cried, grabbing her body before it fell to the ground.

She just smiled up at him, coughing up a bit of blood, "H-Hey Arthos..."

He held her closer, sobbing more as her blood stained his clothes by the gallon. He hugged her as close as he could. The closest he'd ever get to be to her.

"Tiempo what were you thinking?! You're going to die!"

She smiled, holding his cheek, "You said I had nothing to lose...and your right. You have something to lose, I have nothing. Your kids need you. Take care of Zelo for me...please..."

"Of course! I'll do anything for you!" He cried, "Just please... don't go! Don't leave me Tiempo!"

Tiempo did not respond. The blood just continued to pour out of her.

"Tiempo! Tiempo!" He cried, desperately trying to get a response.

There was no response. Her body fell out of his hands as he stared at the aftermath. Her own outfit was covered in as much blood as his own. It was on his hands. There was so much blood on the palms of his hands. Just like that day. Just like the day he killed millions on Zaizar's planet. It was the same color.

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