The Black Cat

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Noel sighed to himself as he looked at the many paintings that were propped up in various places around his kitchen. He was sat at the table, which was quite frankly in an atrocious state, trying to find some inspiration. He chewed on the end of a paintbrush, something he often did, a little disgusted as the bits of dippy egg from breakfast and the remains of sticky cream buns and long forgotten ink stains leaked into the once fresh canvas.

"Come on brain, do something." He mumbled to himself.

He'd had no ideas that day and it was really getting to him. It wasn't often that he lacked inspiration, but when he did it sent him into a slump he couldn't shake. There was only one thing he could think to do in moments like these.

He went to the fridge and poured himself a glass of Um Bongo. Then he grabbed a donut from in the breadbin and wandered through the house, sitting himself comfortably on the edge of the windowsill in the front room. One gold, heeled boot was flung so it was rested upon it, his knee perfectly aligned so he could rest his head against it. His jet black hair tickled his cheeks as he lit a cigarette, staring up at the starry sky as he lost himself in his sugary food and drink.

"It's so pretty." He murmured to himself, trying to find some meaning in their shining light. "Come on guys, speak to me. Give me some ideas."

Of course, he was only breeding false hope. The cigarette had barely finished burning to a stub when he sighed in defeat.

"I'll find something tomorrow." He said defeatedly. "Stupid brain, giving me grief."

He twirled a piece of hair between his fingers, another one of his strange habits, watching the smoke swirl around him as he put the cigarette out against the wall. That spot was starting to blacken from the same action being repeated time after time.

As another sigh escaped Noel's lips, he noticed a slender, black, four legged figure jump skilfully onto the windowsill on the other side. He smiled when he realised it was a beautiful black tomcat with bright blue eyes. These were rare, he knew that, and he found himself attracted to its energy.

Most people thought black cats were unlucky but he didn't agree. In fact, Noel thought quite the opposite. He thought they were the luckiest creatures in the world, especially these elusive rarities with unusually coloured eyes.

He opened the window and reached his hand out to stroke it, the feline instantly beginning to purr at his very touch.

"You're pretty, aren't you?" He murmured. "Lovely little thing."

A slight chill filled the room, but Noel didn't care. He smiled as the cat licked his hand, wishing he could stay that way forever. But he was soon interrupted when what he could only presume to be a bin falling over startled the cat, the poor thing hissing and instantly bolting off down the drive.

"Stupid street gangs." Noel muttered as he looked back at all the art things he'd abandoned at the kitchen table. "Going around scaring innocent cats."

He picked up the paintbrushes and threw them frustratedly into the half full sink, even though he knew it would make them go all spindly and weird. He found another pink, tasty looking donut and bit into it, far too distracted to complain when some of the icing dripped onto his boots. Why did he even wear shoes inside, anyway? He didn't know and he quite frankly didn't care.

He decided to put on a film. A horror film; he was in that sort of mood. But what was he to choose? The Exorcist? Halloween? Pet Sematary? No, Pet Sematary was too disturbing at this time, especially after his interaction with that beautiful stray; that film gave him chills on a normal night, let alone one where he was in interacting with one of the key components of the film: a cat.

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