The Shapeshifters-4

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From his success in the duel, Freedom was not the only thing rewarded to Altan. He was given a room in Beckett's castle. Food, Wine, and many other pleasures but Altan was tired out from the duel and just wanted the food. He'd prefer not to lay with women he didn't know. The only other thing he requested besides the food was some bird feed.

Beckett asked why and Altan responded with "I was a trained Falconer, maybe I'll be lucky and tame one tonight". Beckett tried explaining that Falcons or anything similar was native to this part of Fjorde (South-Western Fjorde, near the coast) but Altan insisted upon it, claiming "It will help us find your 'werewolf' if it even is one". Atan still wouldn't explain this and just let him be.

So there Altan was out on his balcony, tossing feed to the ravens that settled down next to them. Among them was the albino crow from the other night. "How funny" Altan murmured loud enough for the crows to hear "I could've sworn you were a falcon that night". Altan tossed some feed to the albino crow and looked away.

When he turned back the crow DID turn out to be an albino falcon. Altan smiled and said, "Caught you". The falcon seemingly shook its head and when Altan blinked the Falcon changed. This time into the form of a tall woman. She was olive-skinned and quite athletic. She had a cutlass tucked into her belt, a bandoleer with many tiny daggers strapped onto her chest, and on her head was a worn bandanna that made her look like some type of pirate.

"You really pulled that trick on me huh?" She inquired. Altan noticed that her accent was Zhenanian, an odd place to find a shapeshifter. "Well you fell for it, and it worked. So go on ahead and get out of this kingdom, I know you're the 'werewolf' Beckett wants me to hunt so get out before I have to put you down" He claimed.

"I'm sorry?" The Shapeshifting Woman replied, raising an eyebrow. "Ok, ok" Altan started "I'm pretty sure I got exactly what this situation is. You're some shapeshifter that was dishonored in some way by Beckett's father or Beckett himself in the past so you decide to throw a hissy fit and throw his little kingdom into a whole scare and what better way to do this than pretending to be a werewolf?".

The Woman opened her mouth to object but Altan raised a hand "Let me finish. Now I've been told the description of Beckett's werewolf and Oh! Would you look at that? The damned thing just happens to be albino. Now what I want to know is why you gave me that 'special' bourbon in the cell last night, were you trying to make me help you or something?".

The Woman placed a hand on her hip and said "Ok first off; you're an asshole, and second of all you just jumped to a conclusion without a bunch of good evidence, and it was just one piece too."

"Well go ahead you're welcome to explain your innocence" Altan replied "The floor's yours"

"Thank you, now the man who was attacked by what you believe is me was in fact a real werewolf and yes it was albino because the werewolf is my brother. His father took him from me when he was young because he showed traits of inheriting lycanthropy. He abandoned me with my mother whom I got my shapeshifting traits from" I can tell you're probably getting bored of all this talking but I don't care, anyways continue. "When my mother died I began hunting down my brother, who I'm sure by now has reached manhood and therefore he's been given a hunt"

"A hunt?" Altan asked. "Isn't it obvious?" The Woman replied, "It's where werewolves who have reached manhood (around 18) are tasked with hunting down and slaughtering a nobleman or something like that".

"And I thought I knew everything there was to know about these beasts..." Altan muttered. "Alright then, I guess it's safe to conclude Beckett's his target?". The Woman nodded, "I can sense you don't believe me" she said. Altan laughed and whispered "Damn shapeshifters and their noses..." knowing the Woman would hear him.

"Alright you asshole I'll prove my innocence to you, My brother is gonna be attacking a hunter he's spotted to draw Beckett out to investigate tomorrow night, you two be there and I'll be there". Altan looked away and asked, "And what's stopping you from helping him out to kill us?". There was no response.

Altan looked and saw in the woman's place an albino falcon perched on the guard rail of the balcony. "Name's Shani by the way" She squawked. "Wait, I'm not finished with my questions!" Altan exclaimed. Shani leaped from the balcony and flew off into the night.

From the balcony below, a king's servant came out and yelled to Altan "WHO THE BLOODY HELL ARE YOU TALKING TOO!? I'M TRYING TO SLEEP!". Altan looked down and showed him the bird. "Talking to the bird's pal, talking' to the birds'". The servant showered him with curses and Altan shut the balcony doors.

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