The Prelude 2

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The whole night Altan was restless and he didn't know why. The 12th anniversary of his birth didn't feel as important since neither were the last ones. Sitting up in his cot he pulled the saber out from below it. He shouldn't have had it but he knew when Batu found him with it he would get away without a beating. Many of the Uulyn Daichid warriors prided themselves with their kills so their sabers were usually riddled with notches along the blades and handles.

    However, Batu's saber was smooth. Not a single chip, notch, or scratch along it. The blade was gleaming as if it were polished by the hour, the wooden handle had a slight curve in the opposite direction the blade was curving. Despite how plain it looked compared to almost all the other frivolous sabers Uulyn Daichid warriors used, it was definitely the most beautiful and well-kept out of them all.

    Altan jumped out of bed and took the sheathe for the saber from under his cot and inserted the blade inside. Standing in the middle of his room, he took a stance with the sheathed sword at his side. He gripped the handle with his right hand and breathed in, held it, and then as he breathed out he swiftly drew the saber out in a swing. The sharpeners built into the sheath made sparks fly out from the sheath.

    Sheathing the sword, Altan felt a sense of... well he felt cool to put it lightly. Altan breathed in again and readied himself to draw the sword again. This time, however, as he unsheathed it the blade was suddenly stopped with a loud 'CLANG!'. Altan looked and saw that the blade was stopped by its sister blade, held by Batu.

    Altan sheathed the blade and bowed. "Sorry Dad.." he said, not feeling much shame. "Are you?" Batu responded, "Don't worry about it, your form has improved". Sheathing his own saber, Batu said "Stand up straight, you're forgiven just hand it here". Altan did as he asked and they both sat down on Altan's cot together.

    "So, I'm finally meeting other aspirants tomorrow?" Altan inquired. Batu stared off into space for a few seconds and silently turned to look at Altan.

    "For twelve years I've raised you as my son and have privately taught you everything I know" Batu paused for a moment, a twinge of concern and regret in his eyes "But that's what troubles me...". Altan raised an eyebrow and said, "Dad? You're concerning me...".

    "Look just..." Batu tried to say something but couldn't, instead, he said "There's a tournament tomorrow... to the death, to judge if you're worthy to be even considered an Uulyn Daichid, the Uulyn Akhmad himself will be there to judge the successors!".

    Altan sat silently for a second and then replied "Well, I'll be fine huh? You've taught me how to fight with a sword like everyone else! Hell, better than everyone else I'm sure! I know you're the best swordsman the Uulyn Daichid has to offer, surely I'll shine amongst everyone else!"

    "That's the thing Altan" Batu responded "You excel only in swordsmanship, that's all I could teach you...". Altan looked at Batu in confusion and to this Batu replied; "You're normal Altan, you've only been allowed to live here and train because I begged and pleaded for it. I've kept you secluded and hidden so you didn't find this out but since it was gonna come out eventually... The Uulyn Daichid aren't just warriors for hire, they're like, how do I put this? They're like mages who specialize in combat and elemental magic"

    "Altan, you aren't... special like that, you're the only average human here". "I..." Altan started, trying to say something but falling short. He slouched back, his head hung low as Batu continued; "Keep my sword for now Altan, all I can do is try to get someone who wasn't born to control something so fatal in the arena with you". Batu stood up to leave "Remember everything I've ever taught you, you may just have a chance".

    Before Batu could step out the door, Altan suddenly said "I'll win". Batu looked back to Altan and suddenly the boy was sitting straight up, his hand gripping the sheathed saber beside him. "I WILL win Father, I assure you". Batu stared at Altan and asked, "What makes you so sure?". Altan replied with "Because it couldn't have been all for nothing, you finding me as a baby, teaching me, training me... It has to mean something! Father, it couldn't be anymore clearer that I have a destiny on this earth and it can't just be to die because someone else was born gifted"

    "There must be some reason for me to be here and I know it's greater than this!". Batu smiled at his son and left, shutting the door behind him.

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