11. Drunk

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Everyone- 18
Rin and Kurenai-17

Kakashis pov

I was training my chidori when suddenly Obito ran up to me and asked if I wanted to hang out with the others at Asumas place. After a bit of thinking I said yes.

We picked up Rin and then walked to Asuma. As we walked over the market place. Obito and I talked about the new Marvel movie that would come out soon and how we wanted to watch it together, in the movie theatre. We didn't ask Rin if she would want to watch it with us since she doesn't like marvel anyways. ,,Tasteless bitch, what else is there to watch if not marvel." I thought.

To be honest I kinda was happy that Obito didn't ask her if she would join us. Because then I could at least pretend that it was a date. Which it obviously won't be but I'm allowed to pretend at least.

When we got to Asumas place Kurenai,Gai and Genma were already there. Everyone sat down at the low table in the living room.

We played a few card games until Asuma went to the kitchen and came back with sake and vodka.

Asuma gave everyone the choice of what to drink. Asuma,Obito and Rin chose sake. And Genma,Kurenai and Gai chose vodka. After a bit of hesitation because I've never drank before I chose vodka too.

It tastet disgusting but I drank it anyway the night went on and we all kept drinking.

Obitos pov

,,What should we do with him?" Genma Asket pointing at Kakashi who was definitely drunk.

,,Shit." We all said. ,,We'll be in so much trouble if we bring him home that way." I said.

,,Someone should probably take him home with them." Kurenai said and looked at me.

,,Why me?!" I asked a bit shocked. ,,Because Kakashi spends most of his time with you, so it wouldn't be weird if he sleeps over at your place." Rin said.

,,Yeah you're probably right." I said as I picked Kakashi up.

,,Ooh o can fly." Kakashi slurred and flapped his arms a bit. ,,Fuck how much did he drink?" I ask a bit concerned.

When I got home I layed him down in my bed and joined him soon after.

When I was sure that he was asleep I gently kissed his forehead and wished him a good night.

Kakashis pov

,,Au my head hurts." I grumble as I wake up. I look around the room and notice that it's Obitos room. I was laying in a nearly queen sized bed and on the wall to the right was a desk and a closet. I then look besides me and notice that Obito isn't there.

Then the door opens and Obito comes into the room with breakfast. ,,Thanks." I say as Obito hands me the food. I drink and eat everything as fast as I could because I felt like I was starving.

,,Does your head hurt?" Obito asks me as I finish my food and I nod. He then hands me ibuprofen and I take them after a bit the headache lessens.

,,Thanks for letting me stay the night" I thank him. ,,No problem." He says.

,,Orochi would have been so mad. They probably would have grounded me for the rest of my life." I say. ,,Yeah probably."

,,Do you wanna hang out till noon?" I ask him. ,,Of course, what are we gonna do?" He asks.

,,Well I thought that we could go play Basketball." I say. ,,Sound great!" Obito says exited.

So we do exactly that.

When I went home they asked me where I was and I said that I was with Obito and they were fine with it. I obviously didn't mention getting drunk the night prior.


Kinda short chapter but it'll do


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