The Way Home (nsfw)

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He would never be one of the smartest. Kenji knew that. Had always known it. And people made sure he never forgot. Called him a dimwit, an idiot, or just plain dumb.

Kenji didn't believe he was dumb. Okay, he couldn't hack into something for fun like Viv. And he wasn't a doctor like John. But he could fight.

More importantly, he could win.

Even if he wasn't the strongest. Or the biggest. Or the fastest.

He was always the angriest. The most aggressive. He latched on and didn't let go, and once he found the weak spot, he was relentless. Fighting was one thing he was good at, very good at.

Good enough to be her bodyguard.

Kenji had seen other vampire nobles. How they wouldn't dare step out the door without at least three gargoyles guarding them. Pussies.

But she, she only had him by her side. Trusted him with her protection. Not Virion. Not John or Archas. Just him. And he was proud of that. He took that task seriously.

Head held high, ears turning attentively in every direction, nose sniffing the air, he watched for anything that could endanger her. Especially here, so far from home, yet he didn't leave her side since they left the tasting room behind.

At this thought, a growl pressed against his throat. Another one. Human. He would come to them. Belong. To the pack. Yet another one with whom he had to share her attention. He didn't like it, but he knew how important it was for her to drink.

But why did it have to be someone like him? Not one of the small, weak, delicate humans who posed hardly any threat, but this epitome of human hatred and anger, who had his hackles raised. He had to hold himself back from standing between his Alpha, his mistress, and the danger.

That's why he was all the happier when they left the auction house behind, and his paws touched the stone outside. It was rough. Uneven. Reminded him of the streets where he had spent a big part of his life.

"It was a... 'pleasure,' brother," Sera's words didn't sound like it was a pleasure. "Guess we'll see each other at the banquet soon"

"It was also a 'pleasure,' sister." The same tone. "But I intended to accompany you a bit longer. My next obligation lies on the way to your residence."

Clear rejection in Sera's posture. The cold made Kenji's red fur bristle.

"Do you have a problem with that?" asked the monarch.

She forced a thin smile. Kenji knew it wasn't real. "Why would I have a problem spending time with you, brother?"

With that, the vampires, Kenji right beside his Alpha, headed for the limousine that had just pulled up in front of the house.

The shapeshifter cast one last glance back, making sure he didn't miss anything, and encountered the escort. Gargoyles. Vampires, who immediately began to gossip with each other, a witch, none of them wore slave shackles.

No danger. None of them dared to be a threat. And if they did, he would immediately show them what he thought of it.

A snap behind him made his head turn to the vehicle. Sera looked at him expectantly, her bright, blue, clear eyes piercing his.

Immediately, he followed the command and jumped into the car, the door slammed shut behind him. He settled down on the floor at her feet, placing his triangular head on his front paws and looked up at her. He often looked up at her. Not just because she was taller than him in every form. He liked it. Strangely, it made him feel safe. Trusting in her leadership. Her protection.

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