Ménage-à-trois (nsfw)

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He hesitated, heard the Beta sharply inhale and come closer, his heat pushing onto the bed, the mattress sinking under the weight, then Kenji's tingling, prickling skin met Viv's. The impact resonated through both of them, he felt the muscles of the other twitch, just like his own, as their body heat combined, their scents became one. Though it wasn't the right person, the wolf switched to mating mode, demanding to offer himself to the other shifter, wanting to be taken, by the cat whose scent glided over his skin, enveloping him, as Virion sank onto him, his mouth touching Kenji's bare chest.

Silver and black hair fell forward, brushing over him, making him tremble, hot breath against the biting cold, between parted lips, sending shivers down his spine. Then came the fingers, trailing up Kenji's side, lightly, tracing his muscles, his ribcage, lifting to his shoulder, trailing down, finding his nipples, capturing them, playing with them as Virion's teeth slid along underneath. The sharp, pointed teeth that weren't fangs, not the fangs Kenji wanted, needed, desperately, and yet his body reacted as he was bitten. Gently. Just a brief, sharp pain that made him growl, pant.

Then something wet, rough traveled over his skin, leaving a trail of fire that sank into Kenji's bones, making the heat even stronger, making the wolf howl with longing. His tongue. Virion's rough, hungry tongue. Kenji could never get used to this pain, this slight burning, and yet he wanted more. Became even more willing. Just not this heat. What he wanted was cold. And yet the heat didn't dissipate. Drowning him in his own body.

No matter what he wanted to accuse the bastard of, this idiot who annoyed, irritated Kenji until he saw red, until he wanted to snap and tear, he had to admit that Virion knew what he was doing. Finding every sensitive spot, confidently, rubbing and massaging his nipples until Kenji could only pant as if out of his mind, while nibbling at his hip, licking over his stomach, teasing him, every inch, and moving further down. Further and further.

The wolf's head fell back, his eyes half-closed, he looked at the silk scarves moving over his head, at the same time he saw nothing, at the same time there was only the inside of him, and Viv's touch. The biting and licking. His arms twitched, but he couldn't move them, a tremor ran through his knees as the other's breath hit between his legs. Right on his cock.

Fuck. Shit. This shouldn't feel so damn good.

Of course, the damn cat knew what he was doing there too. How he teased his cock. Letting his mouth wander along it, every touch sent shocks through Kenji's entire body, turning the air in his lungs into vapor, lightning bolts surged through his stomach, sounds escaped from his throat that were meant only for his Alpha. Only for her. But he couldn't hold them back. The wolf begged for more. Growled and whimpered. Straight from Kenji's mouth.

Lips glided along the length, making it throb between his legs, then the tongue. That rough, burning tongue.

A groan erupted from him. A deep, hungry groan. One he would never admit to if he weren't here now. If he weren't honest. He could only be honest in her presence.

The cat didn't make a sound in return, despite the proximity, Kenji still felt Virion's tension, his absence, as if his mind wasn't there while he massaged the cock with his tongue. Painful. Burning.

So good.

Kenji got hard. Really hard. And when Viv started to suck, his voice echoed in the room. Loud. Hoarse. His words formed pleas, begging her to take him, let him come, bite him, take away this heat and give him more cold, but his words escaped him, before being formed by his mouth.

Better that way. He didn't know how she would react. But he wasn't thinking. Didn't think at all before he spoke, and now everything was gone. His voice was gone. Only the sounds of the wolf came out. His own. Human. Animalistic. A mixture. Wild. Raw. Completely him.

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